~Chapter 1: Promise Ring~

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Disclaimer: I am not Rick Riordan so I don't own these characters. :)


Percy's POV

The war was finally over. I still hated Hera for the exchange between me and Jason, though it had good changes. Like Piper and Jason's relationship and Leo being a friend. I survived with Annabeth and I was happy and relieved with. We took 5 years to know their feelings for each other! For gods' sake, Piper and Jason took only months (with the help of the Mist of course) to get together and express their feelings toward each other. Me, being the Seaweed Brain I am, is dense. So anyways, we were at the dining area of the Argo II and were discussing a few things.

"Should we go back to Camp Jupiter?" Hazel asked.

"If you go, then I'll go." Frank told her, smiling.

She smiled at him with her eyes all sparkly.

"Nice one frank." I muttered to myself.

"Thanks frank." She said finally.

"No problem." Frank replied.

He leaned back slightly and gently kissed Hazel on her cheek, making both of them blush furiously.

For some reason, seeing hazel reminded me of te cookies she made last night. IT WAS AMAZING! Though it could not be as amazing as mom's. Just thinking of her hurt me so much. I was thinking, yeah, I know what you're thinking... Perseus Jackson, Saviour of Olympus, Slayer of Giants, famous for his nickname,Seaweed Brain, was thinking. Yep, little miracles like that could happen. I was snapped back to reality when Piper started talking.

"How about you, Sparky? Would go to Camp Jupiter, too?" Piper asked Jason.

"If you're staying at Camp Half-Blood, then I will be always at your side." Jason said firmly.

Jason then kissed Piper until Leo ruined the moment.

"Ewww guys! Get a room or something!", Leo said.

"Shut up, Repair Boy." Piper said.

"Beauty Queen!" Leo muttered.

"PLEASE CALM DOWN PEOPLE! We should be happy because we are going home." Annabeth scolded.

"Sorry, Annabeth" They said in unison.

"JINX! HA! You owe me a drachma!" Leo cheered in victory.


Gods my heart is racing. C'mon say something! Say something you idiot! This might be your only chance. Man up will you. Gods! This is harder than fighting the giants.

"Annabeth, could you meet me at my room later? It's kind of important." I finally blurted out.

"Sure, Perce." She replied.

I was waiting for Annabeth to enter my room door. My palms were sweating like crazy and I had sweat trickling down my neck. finally, i looked up and there she was, all perfect while i was covered in sweat. the light in the room reflected her skin beautifully, her hair was braided to the side and her eyes, oh her eyes. I still can't believe i'm that girl's boyfriend.

"Hey Seaweed Brain. What do you want to tell me?"

"It's kind of better if I s-show i-it",I stammered.

I pulled out a tiny box from my pocket and opened it to show Annabeth.

"Percy, what's this?" She asked with one brow raised.

"Oh! It's not what you think. It's -it's a promise ring!" I said frantically. The box sliped through my fingers and i dropped it.

"You idiot. Pick it up! Pick it iup!" I said to myself.

"That's what i thought it was." She said teasing. "Relax seaweed brain. You're a mess." She added.

"I'm sorry i just really wanted to make this perfect. I'm such an idiot." I said while picking up the box.

Annabeth held up my chin and said, "it is perfect. And yes you're an idiot. But you're my idiot."

I held her face and kissed her. "how did i get so lucky with you huh?" I said smiling.

"Okay you cheeseball. C'mon let's have a look at that ring."

She had tears of joy when I showed her the ring. She pulled it out and examined it. The outside was the color of gray. It had owls and trident in alternate orders. Engraved on one side was "I am your Seaweed Brain" and on the opposite side it said "You will always be my Wise Girl". In between, engraved was "Percabeth forever" and on the opposite was "I LOVE YOU".

"How did you afford this?" She asked.

"I didn't buy it. I asked Tyson to make a ring and I told him what to engrave. Do you like it?"


"Here, let me."

I put it on her left ring finger. I kissed her gently and we broke apart. And When we did, we both had that grin like there was no tomorrow.

A/N: Percabeth fluff! Did you guys like it? :) I hope you all did! Btw it was a promise ring Percy gave to Annnabeth (: Fan/Vote/Comment/Rate :3 Contact me if you want to be included on the following chapters >.< Next will be on CHB and they find a surprise awaiting for them. :D

[Not my first story but the other one wasn't much of a success so... XD But my first PJO/HoO fanfic c:]

~Bea xx

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