Playing the player

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A/n: Thanks for 400 views guys!! I am really thankful! Only one more request for you guys~ pls comment🥺. I won't ask you to vote, because that is completely your choice, but I like my audience responsive. So please fellow readers, be sure to leave a comment or two😜.And I'm really sorry that I've been so inactive,but I'm trying to be here😅.
P.s. this is kind of a cliché story..
Ugh! Does he have to be so cute! It would have been easy to thrash him out if he wasn't.
It was yet another normal day for you, as you were walking to your lunch, thinking about why C/n had to be so cute, even when he is flirting with every girl. You were fuming, yes. But you knew you had to do something about it.
You decided at that time, that you had to make him feel what you are feeling. Anger, jealousy and embarrassment.
(Why embarrassment? He is your best friend too, my dear.)
Having him as your best friend was both interesting and problematic. He flirted more around you, and with you he was a different person. Like, he flirted with you too, yes, but he was quite sweet about it, and that led you to having feelings for him. You had known him since a few years and you had seen him in different conditions- hurt, anger, depression, happy, sad and much more. He wasn't always a player, but heartbreak changes you in ways not many can understand.
You sighed as you walked to the cafeteria and asked for your drink. He isn't here yet.
Must be flirting with some new girl, you thought bitterly. You walked upto your table and were surprised to find him and a girl sitting there already. You almost lost it when you saw who it was, but you decided to keep calm. You cleared you throat as you joined them. C/n looked at you and smiled. "Hey, y/n. This is R/g/n. She's my project partner. We were talking about the project right now." He says, gesturing towards your archenemies.
"Hey! How are you? How does it feel to be c/n's new toy?"
You bit back this question and just gave a nod and smiled fakely. You started sipping on your drink, watching them flirt with each other. You weren't going to do anything yet, you wanted to see how far it goes. This time, you lost it when she put her hand on his arms. You cleared your throat again, and they both looked at you. Her arm is still there!!! She gave you a smirk and you gave one back. "C/n can we talk, alone? Please~" you said, giving him your best puppy eyes. He nodded and got up.
You both walked to your locker. "Did something happen,
y/n?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows, looking like a cute lost puppy. You almost smiled.
Now's not the time,y/n! Focus! Poker face time!
You put a blank face. "Did you know R/g/n is my archenemies?"
"Yes, I do."
"Then why were you flirting with her?"
"I wasn't flirting with her, y/n."
"You and I both know that's a lie, C/n. Besides what more do you even do than flirting with everything with a heartbeat!" You asked, exasperated.
"Hey, I don't flirt with boys!"
"You know what I'm talking about,C/n! Dumb doesn't suit you! Are you really that blind! I'm trying to show you how much I like you, but you're going around flirting everywhere! What do you want me to do?Just sit there and watch you flirt with her?! I'm tired of faking it,C/n. I don't think I can wait anymore.."
You trailed off, red from both embarrassment and anger. You feelings had come out in your tiny rant and now they were out in the open. You were waiting for him to walk away from you, tired of you, but what he did surprised you very much. He walked to you and without saying anything, kissed you hard on the lips. You reacted after a second, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him back with the same passion.
After pulling away, he said something that would remain with you till the end.
"It was always you, y/n. And it will always be you."
Oh my! Hello again guys! I'm updating after a long time.
Today's question~
Q. Do you have a crush on a fictional character?
A. Yes. For example: Prince Caspian, Draco Malfoy, etc.
What about you guys?
Please comment 🥺

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