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It was a normal day for Y/n. She had woken up to sunlight, changed her clothes and now was heading off to school. The only difference was that she was feeling down today, and that is because it is her crush's one year anniversary with his so-called girlfriend, R/n. They had been on and off the last year, but they had somehow reached a year. She wasn't very happy about it, but that didn't stop her from staring at her crush, C/n.
The day had gone as usual. Y/n was sitting in the third class of her day, when she noticed that someone was staring at her. She turned and saw C/n. But even though she had caught him, he didn't look away. They maintained the eye contact for a few seconds, then C/n winked at her. She blushed and looked down at her table.
The bell had rung and she was ready to run out of the class and go to her secret place behind the school, just to squeal and fangirl that C/n had winked at her. She ran there, and then realized that C/n was taken. That shattered her heart.
Damn, my brain, why can't you forget that?
But she knew that if she forgot the fact that he was taken, then  she would make a move on him and get in trouble with R/n. She sighed heavily.
"That was one heavy sigh." She heard a deep voice behind her, causing her to jump. She turned and saw that C/n had followed her there. She quickly got up from where she had been sitting, trying to glare at him.
"What are you doing here and how do you know this place?" She asked, silently congratulating herself on not stuttering.
"I followed you here. Calm down y/n" he said, calmly.
I took a few deep breaths and looked at him again.
"Why are you here C/n? Shouldn't you be with R/n?" Y/n couldn't stop the disgusting tone that came when she spoke R/n's name.
C/n raised his eyebrows, but didn't reply.
She hastily grabbed her belongings and started to leave because she was tired of not getting any answers. C/n grabbed her wrist at the moment, and that had Y/n's cheeks bursting with warmth.
"W-what..?" She asked.
"Why are you leaving?"
"You aren't giving me any answers." She simply replied.
He sighed and asked her why was she here.
"I need to stop myself from falling for someone who is taken." She said truthfully, not able to stop herself. It was like he had cast a spell on her.
C/n frowned." And who might that someone be?"
"Someone" she replied.
C/n then smirked. "Is that someone, by any chance, me?" He asked.
"Maybe" Y/n replied, blushing.
"Then I assure you, that someone is not taken."
"What?" Y/n asked, bewildered.
"Yep, I broke up with R/n a few days ago. It wasn't official, the breakup, but I had to tell you." He said, smiling.
At those words, a smile came upto Y/n's lips.
"Umm, then that means you are available?" She asked, shyly.
"Yes, and I hope you are too."
"I am."
"Then what are we waiting for?" C/n said and kissed her, taking her breath away. After a few minutes of snogging against a wall, they pulled away and C/n asked her to be his girlfriend. Of course she said yes.
Maybe this day wasn't as normal as it seemed.

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