What is Love?

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"Lucy?! Lucy, where'd you go?!" Erza called out on the streets of Magnolia after realizing Ashley had vanished.

Great. First that weird dream and now Ashley's run off.


"Wendy? Carla? What are you doing out this late?"

"We were just on our way back to Fairy Hills from the Guild, what about you?"

"I seem to have lost sight of Ashley."

"I'm more than certain that we saw her running into the forest," Carla replied.

"Hey, Erza-san...Don't you think the clouds above the forest look weird?" Wendy asked while looking up.

Those clouds...

Erza's eyes widened as she made haste to the forest.

"Erza-san, please wait! You're going too fast... Oh my...Is that..-"

"Lucy!" Erza quickly ran towards her.

"Lucy. Lucy! Wake up!"

"Mmm," Lucy slowly opened her eyes, being greeted by an unexpected view.

"Erza?" She blinked a bit until her vision adjusted itself, "Erza!" she exclaimed.

"Lucy! It's...It's really you..." Erza held onto her, relieved at her return.

The celestial mage let herself be embraced.

Erza...I'm really back, aren't I...


Erza let go of Lucy, who gently pushed her away.

The blonde looked around as if looking for something...someone.

She got up, frantically looking around.

"Lucy-san, what's wrong? What are you looking for?" Wendy innocently asked.

"Where is she?!"

"Lucy, unless you tell us who you're looking for, we can't help you," Carla responded.

"My counterpart," Erza answered as she helped Lucy search.

An odd looking shape caught Erza's eye in the darkness. She slowly walked towards it.

"Well, this is a nostalgic view, isn't it, Knightwalker?"

Lucy heard the requip mage and ran over to her as fast as she could.

The knight was on her stomach and heaving rather strongly. Lucy turned her on her back with Erza's help.

"Wendy! Can you please take a look at her?" Lucy begged her younger friend.

"I'll see what I can do!" Wendy ran up to the heaving knight.

"Erza..." Lucy stayed close to her knight.

The exhausted Erza looked up at Lucy, "S...spear."

Lucy quickly shot up, knowing what Erza was looking for.

Wendy was a bit sceptical. The last time she had seen this woman, they were enemies. And now, one of her closest friends was asking her to heal this woman. On the bright side, she had Erza next to her, so she knew she was safe. On the other hand though, she felt awful for the thoughts going through her mind. Lucy clearly trusted Knightwalker.

"Her lungs are a mess..." Wendy whispered.

"Can you do anything about it?" The redheaded mage asked.

What is love? ( Fairy Tail FanFic )Where stories live. Discover now