chapter seven

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"Niall what am I supposed to do? I don't know what I'm supposed to wear. What am I going to wear?" Louis let out a groan, falling backwards on his bed and letting his glasses slip off of his nose. His closet was full of clothes but there was literally nothing to wear. It frustrated him to the point of screaming. Harry Styles was going to be at this party. The whole three hours he was studying earlier were being distracted by the random shrieks he let out when the realisation washed over him for the millionth time.

"Just wear something, Lou. It's not that big of a deal. Wear.." Niall paused, searching through the closet for half a second before throwing a shirt at Louis. "Wear this."

It was a blue button up shirt, with a collar and short sleeves that rolled up. The material was denim, with pockets on each side of it. Louis recalled wearing it a year ago, when him and the employees at the Donnie Cafe had a Christmas party. 

"Are you sure?" Louis asked, squinting his eyes and standing up to see himself in his full length mirror. He held the shirt up to his body and looked at himself from different angles, and Niall sighed loudly.

"It looks perfect, Louis. Now just pick some pants and shoes and let's stop at my flat so I can get some clothes for myself. You're driving, by the way. So no getting drunk."

Louis shrugged. "Fine by me." He frowned at himself in the mirror. "But I'm not sure if this is fine. Let me try it on."

He quickly ripped his shirt off and pulled the blue one on, buttoning the top buttons and rolling the sleeves evenly. He ran a hand through his fringe before looking in the mirror. It fit around his sides a bit loosely, which he liked, and the sleeves were the perfect size. He smiled, before whipping around and looking at Niall with a grin.

"Thank you, my friend," Louis smiled, before tackling Niall in a hug. Niall laughed loudly, pushing him away and ruffling his hair. 

"Go get your pants on, dolt."

Louis stuck out his bottom lip sadly, before walking to his closet again. He pulled on his tight black skinny jeans, along with his favourite all black vans. When he put it all on and looked in the mirror, he was happy with the outcome. He quickly styled his hair into a quiff with the help of gel and a blow drier, before adjusting his glasses on his nose and biting some colour into his lips. "Okay, ready," he stated, pulling the hem of his shirt down to straighten it out.

Niall sighed but smiled nonetheless, and waited for Louis to grab his phone and keys. Then, they left his small, cozy dorm, making sure to unplug the lights on their way out.

"What are you looking forward to do tonight?" Niall asked, as they walked to the elevator on the way to his dorm. 

Louis scoffed. "Meeting Harry Styles. You?"

"Getting drunk. Dancing. The usual. Have you never been to a party with me?" Niall shook his head, chuckling and bumping into Louis. "You come off as an inexperienced partier to me. Are you one of those book nerds?"

"Actually, yes," Louis replied. "And I'm proud of it." As if to prove his point, he pushed his glasses further up his nose and straightened his shirt out.

Niall laughed. "I'm here to fix that. Well, it's not a bad thing, but you gotta let loose once in a while, yeah?"

Louis nodded nervously, suddenly feeling self conscious. "I hope he doesn't think I'm some obsessed freak that stalks him all the time."

Niall snorted. "You are. You are exactly that. In fact, you have a Tumblr page dedicated just to his lips. So yes, he will think that."

"Niall!" Louis whined, following him into his dorm and hopping on his toes. "Niall, now you scared me! What am I going to do? He's going to keep avoiding me like the plague! Don't tell him anything!"

Letters to the Author -Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now