11 - What does the word friend mean

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It was getting towards midday, early after noon and Sam was still sat with Bucky his hand resting gently on Bucky's knee. The two didn't say anything about that action and they both eventually fell asleep. Sam was quietly snoring as his head crept further and further into Bucky's shoulder. Of course with this sudden movement Bucky opened his eyes to see this in action but let it happen. Bucky watched Sam in his peaceful slumber, he was for some reason drawn to him and the relaxation he felt was strange when he was around Sam.

"He looks comfortable" Zemo whispered as he sat across from the two boys. Bucky rolled his eyes in response to Zemo's little comment. "Tell me Bucky, have you considered your relationship to be something more than what you are calling a friend?" Zemo asked swirling a glass of tea around in his hand with a watchful eye on Bucky's facial expressions. "Zemo if you don't shut up, I will make you" Bucky sneered through gritted teeth and shot Zemo a hard glare.

"I was only saying what was on my mind" Zemo put his hands in a mock surrender before slapping his hands onto his knees and getting up dramatically. "Wake him, we need to go" Zemo continued on still keeping an eye on them both. Bucky let out a small sigh, he didn't want to wake Sam up he seemed calm and in all honesty he enjoyed the times Sam was resting into him for whatever reason that may be.

Sam felt a small sensation tapping on his thigh but had failed to wake up as he was deep in thoughts and dreams. After a moment of silence he was soon brought out of his slumber by a whisper sounding in his ear.


Sam opened his eyes abruptly and was met by Bucky with a smirk, his face only centimetres away from each other. "Hey Buck" Sam breathed involuntarily taking his bottom lip between his teeth. "Time to go" Bucky replied sneaking a glance  down to his lips which didn't go unnoticed by Sam. Sam nodded in response and turned his head slightly only to see Zemo stood leaning against one of the kitchen counters with a grin on his lips as he sipped on his fruity tea.

"You boys ready or you need a moment" He asked placing his cup down gently and moving towards the exit of the room. "I will leave you be" He added on slipping out of the door leaving Sam and Bucky still in the same position. "Why is Zemo being so weird?" Sam questioned moving away from Bucky's face. "That is Zemo your talking about" Bucky answered. "Your right" He lowly laughed shaking his head.

"You ready Sam?" Bucky asked raising his eyebrow slightly. "Yeah let's go" He replied walking behind Bucky towards the door. The two eventually made it out and saw Zemo snacking on some Turkish delight that he had hidden in his pocket for 'emergencies' Bucky went and stormed ahead of Sam leaving Zemo with him. They both walked behind Bucky.

"I see what it is" Zemo started to nod his head. "What the hell are you talking about" Sam sighed turning his head half to meet Zemo's stare. "It is the tension, you need to act on it" He added on tearing another wrapper away from some Turkish delight. "Tension between what ; what are you on about" Sam mentally slapped his forehead. "Think about what I said Sam" Zemo chuckled deeply before striding away from Sam.

Sam was left bewildered, sometimes he wondered what was going on through Zemo's head for him to come out with such, well such rubbish. In the back of his mind, he knew what Zemo was on about. The tension, not awkward tension but something else which was happening between him and Bucky.

The three eventually made it to where they were going to find Karli, the Conversation that shared as they walked there was normal and not Zemo talking in riddles and all sorts. Although more trouble seemed to be on the way as John came striding down the stairs with Lamar by his side, shouting at the three boys and how they went and broke Zemo out of prison and keeping them in the 'Dark'

The way you look at me (Sam x Bucky) Where stories live. Discover now