2- Flag Smashers

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"You guys fly low, drop me off, I fly up to intercept, no treaties violated" Sam spoke as he walked up the end of the plane ready to jump. Sam pressed the button to the plane doors at the back, they opened slowly and a gust of wind flew past him. "First Lieutenant Torres, our intel officer, will be helping on the ground. And Sam, this has to be subtle." One of the military personnel spoke. "Subtle. Got it." Sam positioned himself backwards and began free falling through the air.

The wind battered against his body as he began free falling, until a button was pressed and the wings on his suit expanded causing him to glide freely. He cut through clouds and towards the plane he needed to get to. The wings on his suit adjusted and he dived lower through the sky, zooming across lightly. "I got eyes on a plane. Any sign of LAF" Sam exclaimed to Torres who was currently on the ground watching the event from below. "Nothing yet" He responded watching Sam closely with some binoculars.

Sam came in contact with a plane, the propellers where spinning round and round quickly making gusts of wind to backwards and into Sam. The plane was already hijacked and Sam had no other choice than to deploy redwing and cut a hole in the side of the plane. This was risky but the only way it could get done. Sam flew into the now limo but of metal straight into the main carrier of the plane, he knocked some people out forcefully using his knuckles to make them bleed. Sam used his wings as a shield as a barrel of bullets were being fired. With one last kick and a punch Sam got rid of anybody now left on the plane, he spotted Captain Vasant laid on the floor with blood spewing down the left side of his face.

"Captain Vasant? Let's get you out of here" Sam spoke calmly to the captain trying to move. He gently lifted his up up the Captain and jumped out of the plane making sure to clasp him tightly. As they made their way to the ground looking out for any enemies that appeared, torres was cheering. The mission was a success and everyone got out safely. "Yeah!" Torres screamed waving his hands in the air.


"These LAF crews man, they're trying to take advantage of all the chaos and make some money, that I get but there's..." Torres started talking but stopped as his phone started to beep. Sam looked up raising his eyebrow. "Oh. Bam! Right there!" He exclaimed pointing to the wall in front of his phone. "You see these guys? They're guys you gotta worry about." He spoke showing his phone to Sam there was a picture of a what looked to be a red hand print. "Who are they?" Sam asked studying the image. "They're called the flag smashers" Torres replied taking his seat. "Is that a new thing? Bad guys give themselves bad names." Sam asked raising his eyebrow slightly. "They think that the world was better during the blip, they want a world that's unified without borders" Torres carried on explaining making Sam get slightly worried about this new potential threat. "Anything gets series you let me know" Sam replied putting away the gadget his was fiddling with. "I have to go find my friend, but keep me updated on the flag smashers" Sam told Torres while rising out of his seat. "Will do" He gave a quick smile.

Sam walked away from torres, he went to try find Bucky as they didn't finished their conversation from last night. Bucky just got up and walked away not even letting Sam know what he was doing. He only had the fainted of ideas of where Bucky might be but one place that he had in mine was an old bar Bucky used to visit. Keeping all hope that's where Sam decided to go to. He kept his fingers crossed as he made his way towards the bar. The street was lit by lampposts and several people stumbled down the street holding booze in either of their hands.

Sam opened the door carefully, and stepped inside trying to see if Bucky was actually in there. Luckily for him Bucky was sat with a rather old gentleman, he decided to make him self known to them. "Hey" Sam spoke letting them both know he was behind them. The older gentleman turned around and faced sad with a sad smile resting on his face. Bucky had his eyes closed with hand resting on his head, he looked a bit of distraught look on his face. "Bucky?" Sam questioned looking between the two men. "I was telling James here about my son, he died" The man spoke in a soft manner. "Sorry to hear about that" Sam answered the man.

"I will never really know what happened to him" The man spoke a small frown playing across his lips. Sam nodded sincerely then looked at Bucky who was still not speaking. "I will see you later Yuri" Bucky spoke giving him a small pat on the back before getting up. "Bucky wait" Sam called after him. He said a goodbye to yuri and ran after Bucky who was acting strangely.

Bucky stopped just outside the bar and leant against a wall. "What's wrong" Sam asked genuinely concerned for his friend. "Nothing, just needed some air" Bucky breathed finally facing Sam. He noticed that Bucky's face had sadness gleamed across it. All he needed was a friend to comfort him and tell him everything will be alright, but Sam he didn't know if everything was going to be okay. The whole world was slightly broken and nothing has been the same since everyone came back from the blip.

"You uh, need a hug" Sam questioned raising his arms slightly. Bucky gave a slight nod, so Sam went over to his friend and embraced him in a quick hug. Bucky relaxed into the hug giving Sam a small pat on the back as a thanks. They both pulled away without saying a word, for some reason Sam wanted to stay in the hug for a bit longer and just comfort him for however long he needed it. Bucky glanced up to Him with a smile, and sam noticed how close they was actually standing which was only a few inches away from each other.

They both cleared their throats stepping further away from each other's embrace. "You wanna go back inside" Bucky asked Sam gesturing back towards the bar they came out from. "Yeah alright" Sam agreed. As they were walking back he got a text from Torres.

Get to a secure line, need you to watch something and call me back ASAP #Important.

"Hey Bucky, something urgent has come up I need to get back" Sam exclaimed turning towards Him. "Right so I'll just see you tomorrow?" Bucky asked with an unsure look on his face. "Yeah we will go for that drink" Sam replied patting him on the shoulder before rushing of back to his own house. Sam did feel quite bad agreeing to a drink then abandoning him, he for some reason wanted to stay with Bucky and forget about how the world is potentially just going to shit.

Sam played back a video that Torres had captured, of these so called flag smashers. "So, this is the leader of the Flag Smashers, huh?" Sam asked while he placed a video call of Torres next to his computer. "Yeah.Real nice guy." Torres replied. "I thought you were supposed to be monitoring them online" Sam asked. "I was, I did, but you know sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty, or a broken orbital" Torres explained as Sam let out a scoff. "You're lucky that's all you got. He's strong" Sam said still analysing the video. "We gotta keep our eyes and ears to the ground till they pop up again." Sam carried on explaining then eventually ending the call with Torres.

Sam knew that he had to let Bucky know about these Flag smashers, he will need to help take down whatever they are trying to do. Bucky was Sams closest friend right now even if they don't talk often, Sam wanted to change that he wanted to get closer to Bucky and for him to open up to him.

Turning on the tv, some breaking news was being announced on the TV which caught Sams attention right away. "In the wake of recent events, has left us vulnerable. Everyday Americans feel it. While we love heroes who put their lives on the line to defend earth, we also need a hero to defend this country"
Sam lent forwards resting his chin on his hands, he had a feeling of what was going to happen on the tv in front of him. "We need someone to inspire us again, someone who can be a symbol for all of us, so on behalf of the department of defends and our commander in chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today that's the U.S.A. has a new hero" Sam narrowed his eyes on the tv anger flashing through his face.

"Join me in welcoming your new captain America."

Sam clenched his fists together as a 'new captain America' walked out in Steve's uniform holding the shield in his arm. Sam couldn't believe what he was seeing. All he wanted to do was smash the tv to let his anger out, mad was an understatement. If Sam was this angry he couldn't believe how angry Bucky would be and he was scared to see what He would do. Sam closed his eyes briefly, taking in a breath as he tried to compose himself.
There is no way he would let him get in the way and Try take over their investigation of the flag smashers. Sam didn't want anything to do with him and neither does Bucky.

These two first chapters was just getting into the Story so sorry there isn't a lot of sambucky in the first two but the ones after will contain a lot so I hope your ready :)

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