3- The new Captain America

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There will be a lot of SamBucky in this chapter because I know they haven't been together a lot in the first two, I just needed to get into the story! Xoxo

Sam and Bucky were to say the least angry, they didn't want a 'New Captain America' Steve was and will always be Cap and they both new that. They both hated the idea of someone potentially taking his place. He certainly isn't and will never be an avenger.

"You really shouldn't of given up the shield Sam" Bucky spoke walking angrily towards Sam across the airport carrier. "Nice to see you again Buck." Sam scoffed. Yet he agreed with Bucky, he feels like he shouldn't of given up the shield but what use is agreeing to that going to do now, it has already been taken by the 'New captain America' "You know this is wrong" Bucky followed Sam trying to catch up to him. "I'm working all right, all this outrage is gonna have to wait" Sam replied taking a small glance in his direction. "You didn't know this was gonna happen, he took the shield! Steve's shield" Bucky exclaimed with a quick roll of his eyes. "No, course I didn't know this was gonna happen, it broke my heart to see him March on out there and call him the new captain America" Sam spoke using his arms to emphasise his speech.

"Steve didn't want this" Bucky answered still following Sam through the carrier. "What the hell do you want me to do about it" Sam sneered. "I can't call them up and tell them I've changed my mind, plus there is bigger things for me to deal with" Sam responded hauling a bag over his shoulder. "What could be bigger than this" Bucky spoke more softer than usual. "This guy" Sam showed Bucky a picture of the so called leader of the flag smashers. Sam explained everything to Bucky about the rebel organisations and how they are strong, too strong. Sam explained how redwing traced them to a building in Munich and that's where he is going with or without Bucky by his side.

Eventually Bucky decided to tag along with Sam, even though he told Bucky he wasn't fond of the idea, secretly he was happy Bucky would be by his side once more.

Sams and Bucky sat opposite each other in the plane waiting for drop off. They stated intensely at each other for a good few minutes. Sam noticed a smirk tug at the corners of Bucky's lips for a few seconds until he erased it completely. More than once Bucky glanced down to Sams lips then back up to his eyes involuntarily. Sam didn't realise he did this as well until their 'Moment' was cut of by them reaching the drop of point.

They both got up out of their seats and reach towards some equipment they would be using. While walking over to the stuff, Sam accidentally brushed against Bucky, they arms colliding with each other's and their legs doing the same as Sam walked past. Some sort of emotion started to rush through his veins but shook away that feeling as Bucky spoke up.

"So what's the plan" Bucky asked his voice loud trying to speak over the sound of the engine. "You mean my plan" Sam laughed. Bucky shook his head and sat back down while Sam put in an ear piece. "Enjoy your ride, Buck" Sam teased with a little smile. "You can't call me that" Bucky side eyed him.  "Why not, hm Steve called you that" Sam tilted his head a smirk threatening to appear. "Steve knew me longer" Bucky shouted as Sam went to the plane doors. Sam didn't reply but jumped out the plane leaving Bucky behind.

About 30 seconds later and Sam was now on the ground, he could see Bucky free falling in the sky yelling as he fell with nothing to grab onto. Bucky landed on the ground with a loud thump and a groan escaping his lips as he laid flat on his back. "I have all of that on camera. You know that, right?" Sam told Him while quietly chuckling to himself as he approached Bucky who was still on the ground not moving. Sam peered over Bucky still lowly chuckling to himself. "Get out of my face Sam, or I'll break you" Bucky groaned trying to waft him away using his hand. "Need a hand" he questioned. Bucky rolled his eyes but took Sams hand gripping it tightly.

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