6- Is that Jealousy I smell 

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Today was the day Sam and Bucky was going to see Zemo, Sam of course didn't think this was a good idea because of the 'History' that Bucky and him had together, but really they had no other choice they didn't know where the serum was coming from and they also needed information on Karli so hopefully Zemo could provide them with it, that is if he doesn't turn against them. Bucky assured Sam that he was perfectly safe and as much as Sam knew Bucky would be alright he was still slightly concerned for everyone's safety.

Bucky and Sam traveled the Berlin, Germany to see Zemo as he was locked away in Prison. The guard brought them into the prison and showed them which cell he was waiting in, Bucky seemed apprehensive and he needed reassurance from Sam because this is Zemo we are talking about and what he did was wrong yes but there had to be meaning behind what he did.

"I'm gonna go in alone." Bucky spoke as they lingered outside the cell. "What, why?" Sam replied getting concerned. "Your an avenger, you know how he feels about that." Bucky told Sam crossing his arms tightly. "Yeah and you two aren't exactly known for frolickin' in the sun together" Sam scoffed. "Trust me, I got it." Bucky responded firmly patting Sams shoulder. "Alright be careful okay" Sam spoke in a low tone as Bucky disappeared into the cell.

The waiting was torture for Sam, he wanted Bucky to feel safe and quite frankly with him in there with Zemo he was getting nervous. Sam noticed his hands started to get sweaty as he waited and waited, he doesn't know why he is so protective over Bucky all of a sudden and it seems he is also quite protective over Sam as well. These feelings are quite strange they have always been there quite a while he wouldn't disagree on that but whatever he is feeling is getting stronger.

Eventually Bucky emerged and Sam let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, Bucky explained how he wanted to break Zemo out of jail, he was practically laughing at the idea, it seems as if Bucky has lost his mind. Why the hell would he want to break him of all people out of jail yeah he would be helpful but to Sam he is one of the most dangerous men in the world and breaking him out Could cause all sorts of trouble. But of course Bucky argued the fact there are eight super soldier on loose and they need all the help they can get.

Bucky started explaining, how they could break him out of Jail and Sam was a little confused as to everything he was explaining, there was no way he would even be able to do it in such a high security prison but clearly that isn't the case as Zemo walked out in-front of them both wearing what looked like a police officer uniform.

"Woah, what are you doing here" Sam shouted taking a step in-front of Bucky for some reason, the first thing that came to mind was for him to protect Bucky. "No it's okay Sam, we need him" Bucky explained trying to calm Sam by placing his hands onto the sides of his arms, Bucky squeezed his arms gently as he looked into Sams eyes. "It's okay Sam, he won't try anything" Bucky gave him a weak smile before letting go. Sam sighed but finally agreed with Bucky, Zemo wanted to first take them to a woman called Selby.

Bucky and Sam were taken to a private jet, it was quite magnificent but Sam didn't understand how he is this rich to have all nice cars and private planes and stuff like that. Sam admitted to himself that Zemo had style, the way he wore a long black coat with a fur collar really suited him but he definitely thought Bucky was better looking which was strange because Sam never thought about that stuff before.

"Tell us were we going Zemo" Sam spoke giving him a slight glare. He didn't respond only sit with his lips poured into a straight line as he looked out of the plane window. "I said tell us we're we are going" Sam asked again now a bit more aggressively. Zemo turned to look at him placing a hand onto The side of Sams face patting it which made Him tense up slightly at the weird contact "In time I will" Zemo replied. Bucky noticed the body language of Sam and shot up from his seat grabbing Zemo by the throat pushing him back to his seat. Sam let out a small gasp at the action he just took.

"If you touch him again, I'll kill you" Bucky spoke through gritted teeth as he shot daggers into his eyes. Was Bucky really that protective over Sam? "I'm sorry" Zemo spoke in a sincere tone. "I understand, you don't want me touching your..." He stopped to look at Sam before looking back at Bucky. "Partner" He smiled between the both of them. "He's not my partner" Sam spoke up letting out a low chuckle. Bucky didn't speak up about the 'Partner' thing which was strange but Sam let it slide out of his mind. "Sure" Zemo replied in a tone suggesting he didn't fully believe Sam. "Seems like Bucky was a bit Jealous I was touching you" Zemo spoke quietly causing Bucky to send another glare his way along with a scoff yet he didn't address the fact.

Zemo finally told them that they was going to a place called 'Madripoor' which was a city hussling with clubs and quite a lot of criminals. To get into the club they all had to be someone they aren't, Sam kept complaining how he looked like a pimp, he was dressed in a very Trendy suit which had a few colours on including red and yellow. He saw Bucky sneaking more than a few glances his way as they walked down a bridge towards the place and Sam for some reason found it hard to keep his eye of Bucky as he was wearing a t shirt that made his muscles very apparent.

The came into clear view as they all walked down the busy crowded streets filled with Music and several people with guns. They entered the club and the amount of people in there was a lot, it was very crowded.
Zemo started talking to a bar person asking to see Selby as Sam and Bucky stood at either side waiting for the response. Sam was getting slightly apprehensive as people started to stare at them until an older man cam up behind Zemo saying he wasn't welcome, as more people started to turn up Zemo started to speak Russian, it translated to 'Winter soldier, Attack' Bucky gave a nod then a quick look to Sam to say 'It's alright'

Bucky grabbed the mans shoulder twisting it behind his back and slamming him towards the floor with major brute force, he repeated the same action as a man came hurtling towards him but soon got kicked towards the other side of the room. Sam watched intently as Bucky kept beating these guys, yeah he was very very strong but the fact he had to pretend he was the winter soldier again made him feel quite sorry for Bucky, those days he lived where hell for him.

Zemo spoke in Russian again which translated to 'Well done soldier'. "Selby will see you now" the gentleman from the bar spoke braking the silence. Sam gently placed his hands on Bucky leading him away from the man he just beat up. Sam squeezed him arm slightly as he locked onto Bucky's eyes which were filled with what looked like sadness and rage. "You good" Sam asked sincerely. Bucky took a sharp inhale of breath and gave a slight nod not wanting to break character because it wouldn't be good for any of them.

After meeting with Selby something bad went down they figured out Sam wasn't the smiling tiger, Selby ended up dying but they got some information about the super soldier serum which was actually in Madripoor. They all fled the bar but a ping from mobile phones echoed all around them and gun shot started rapidly firing at them. Bucky ran towards Sam and basically jumped and dragged him down to the floor to stop him getting hit by a bullet which was coming his way, Bucky ended up landing on his crotch area causing them both to stiffen up quickly, Bucky scrambled of grabbing Sams hand to pull him upwards without braking eye contact. Sam swore Bucky's lips curled up into a playful smile but disappeared as soon as it appeared.

All three of them started to run down a side street as a couple of bikers where chasing them, but where soon knocked down by a few gun shots raining down onto the bikers. "You seem to have a guardian Angel." Zemo spoke looking around. Bucky and Sam where also confused, who was it that basically saved them? "Well this is to perfect, drop it Zemo" A woman spoke emerging from the shadows with a gun raised towards all three of them. "Sharon?" Bucky exclaimed titling his head slightly towards the woman. "You cost me everything" She replied through gritted teeth. "Sharon, wait" Sam spoke raising his hands. "Someone recreated the super soldier Serum and Zemo had a lead" He added on gesturing towards Zemo who looked shook with his hands raised.

"That explains why your here and Selby is dead" She scoffed. "Why are you here?" Bucky asked. "I'm off the grid in Madripoor, I don't speak to my family anymore, they don't know where I am" She explained lowering her gun.

Bucky explained how how we needed Sharon's help but she responded in a laugh but ended up Giving them a place to stay. Bucky, Sam and Zemo where glad for this otherwise they didn't know what they would do.

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