21 - Zemo really is a Matchmaker

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Sam felt his chest tighten as a pain flew through his neck. He seemed to be struggling to breath but how. He brought up his hand to feel a metal hand tightening their grip around his windpipe.

"Buck" He struggled to breath with laboured breaths. "Please" He grunted feeling a tear slowly make its way down his cheek. "Just... a dream" He tired to speak eventually feeling the pressure Exit his neck.

Sam frantically turned his head towards Bucky to see his eyes become watery. "Hey" Sam spoke softly watching the man become emotional. "Sorry" He spoke just under a whisper his voice hoarse not daring to look Sam in the eyes. "Buck, you don't need to apologise" Sam comforted him with his words. "I don't know what happened" He mumbled  under his breath. "Look at me" Sam spoke shuffling closer to the man.

Bucky continued to look downwards, twiddling his thumbs together anxiously. "Hey" Sam said placing his hand on Bucky's back slowly rubbing it in circular motions. "It was a dream, it got the better of you, you had no control So don't Apologise Buck" Sam explained trying to calm him down. "As you said, I have no control what if I never let go you wouldn't be breathing Sam" Bucky murmured quietly still not making eye contact. "That wouldn't happen, as long as you wake up it will be fine, you know I will help you through this" Sam further spoke feeling Bucky relax under his touch.

"Thank you Sam" Bucky let out a smile flicking his eyes up to meet his. Sam nodded with a tender smile. Sam motioned out his arms gesturing for Bucky to come into a hug, in which he did.

In that embrace, Bucky felt his worries loosen and his optimism raise it's head from the dirt. He felt Sam brush his hair back with his gentle touch while placing a kiss on his forehead.

In Sam's cuddle, he was home.

Sam escaped from the hug seeing the smile hang onto Bucky's lips. Sam brought his touch towards Bucky's cheek. His hand was so warm and the caress was so gentle that his eyes slowly closed ; now struggling to keep them open. He was tired and Sam wasn't gonna keep him up any longer than he needed.

"You need sleep" Sam whispered into his ear. The only response he got was a faint nod coming from Bucky. He held onto his Body, carefully helping him lay down back onto the bed, with his head comfy on the pillow.

Sam grinned to himself as he watched Bucky, slowly drift into a world of thoughts and dreams.

Just as Sam was about to close his eyes, he heard the faint mumbles coming from Bucky's mouth.

Sam's eyes glistened with the Semblance of tears, but these was happy tears. He knew their Love was something to be cherished, to be fought for.

He knew it was real


Golden Threads of morning light transformed Sam's night dreaming into an ambient optimism. He awoke to the steady patter of rain upon his window, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of the rising sun. The sound brought a calmness to his mind, a soothing melody, a natural lullaby. With his eyes at rest, Sam lived happily within himself for these blessed moments of solitude.

His mind wondered, wondered to a life. A life yet to come, with Bucky by his side. The thoughts invaded his mind causing a simple smile to make their way up his lips. That life would be pure, simple, free.

Soon he returned to the moment, the quiet breathing of Bucky beside him was heard. He slowly opened his eyes only to face His peaceful doze. His eyes trailed across each individual feature, taking in the sight.

Letting out a breath, Sam twisted his fingers through Bucky's locks, gentle, benign.

"Good Morning" He spoke faintly. "Morning" Bucky replied his voice raspy, in an attractive way. "How was your remaining sleep?" Sam questioned flicking his eyes between Bucky's. "It was good" He smiled taking his lips in between his teeth involuntarily. "I'm glad" Sam replied, a sweet smile hanging on his lips.

"We should get up" Sam exhaled. "How are we getting there" Bucky responded closing his eyes briefly. "We have Zemo's jet remember, he told the pilot we could use it whenever we had the needs to" Sam explained running his hand through Bucky's brown locks once again. "Yes I remember, Speaking of Zemo I wish I could have one of his fruity Tea" Bucky thought about the delicious drink.

"I wonder what the hell he is going to say about us" Sam spoke thinking back to all the times he referenced their Relationship. "I see what he was trying to do Sam" Bucky let out a deep Chuckle realising that all this time Zemo was ultimately trying to get them together.

His wise words worked.

"I didn't even think much about this before Zemo started to question things, I guess he made us realise" Sam shrugged his shoulders gently getting up from the bed. "That's a good thing, otherwise we might of never gotten together Sam" Bucky added on agreeing with Sam.

Sam nodded in question with what Bucky said. Zemo really helped their relationship blossom in ways. Sam was secretly thankful towards Him.

"We leave for New York in half an hour" Sam announced as he let the covers fall of his body revealing his Boxers.

Bucky hummed in response as his eyes trailed Sam's body discreetly. Bucky himself climbed out of bed, wearing the shorts Sam had leant him.

Sam was busy browsing through his wardrobe, when he went to take a step backwards he felt the presence of Bucky close behind him and something more than just him as well. Sam swallowed hard, trying not to allow his cheeks to burn up in some sort of embarrassment.

"Buck?" Sam questioned wondering why he was so, so Close. "Yes" He replied plainly. "Your very-" He gulped trying to spit the words out. "Close" He finished off the sentence trying to avert his mind to something else. But how could he, Bucky was so close, that was all Sam could think about. Him.

"You'll be pleased to know that I'm going to get changed" Bucky laughed finally removing himself from Behind Him. Sam let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

His arousal from that little interaction was clear and he couldn't exactly hide his excitement. Sam tried to calm his brain down. Butterflies, fairies he squeezed his eyes shut trying to think of the thing that would calm him down. Why he picked fairies, who knows but it did the job. He let out a relieved breath and carried on getting ready to leave.


"You ready Buck" Sam announced as he walked back into their room. "Yeah" He replied grabbing his bag. "We will have to drive to where the jet will be waiting" Sam explained opening the door to see Bucky with a grin on his face as he was zipping up his bag. "You've got that Cheeky look on your face" Sam hummed. "It's nothing just you know...Happy" Bucky spoke with a hint of what seemed to be humour in his voice. "Sure" Sam narrowed his eyes not fully believing the man.

"Let's go" Bucky announced rushing past Sam towards the Front door. Sam followed closely behind.

The car Journey was only quarter of an hour, the car hugged the black tarmac, bright headlamps illuminated the onward road. The ride was accompanied by Bucky humming to the tunes of different songs that came on the radio surprisingly he knew most of them.

"We are here" Sam announced pulling into the runway where the jet was silently waiting for them. "Finally, I get to sleep on the jet" Bucky was relieved. "You can use me as a pillow" Sam chuckled opening the car door. "Your comfy" Bucky shrugged his shoulders.

The boys walked towards the jet which was waiting, the pilot was stood at the top of the stairs holding what looked like to be a piece of paper. "Mr. Wilson, Mr.Barnes" The pilot nodded towards the both of them. "Good Morning" The two spoke nearly in sync. "I have a message here for you Mr.Wilson" The pilot replied holding the paper in the air towards Sam.

He knitted his brows, he wasn't expecting any message from anyone. So who could it be from?

Sam hesitantly took the paper sending Bucky a confused look.

"Who is that from?" Bucky asked as he sat in the seat next to Sam. "Well we are about to find out" Sam responded folding out the paper to read what it said.

"That son of a bitch..." Sam exclaimed

Sorry for the late publishing, how was this chapter ? *Kisses*

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