Veronica left the house

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[At Cassano mansion]
Vincenzo just came home from work and he saw Chayoung in distress.

Vincenzo- Did something happen?

Chayoung- I can't reach Veronica she left in the morning and still didn't come back and she isn't picking my calls.

Veronica- Where did she go?

Chayoung- She was mad in the morning and then she left.

Vincenzo- What was she mad about?

Chayoung- I invited Ms.Eunbi to meet Veronica and she wasn't pleased to see her.

Vincenzo- Chayoung how many times do I have to tell you, don't force her to meet people she doesn't want to meet.

Vincenzo- we can talk about this later, I need to find where she is right now.

Chayoung-Who are you calling?

Vincenzo- Hello Ahn Seok, can you find where veronica is for me. Yeah, she left me in the morning and still didn't come back.

After 30 Minutes Ahn Seok informed Veronica is at Lisa's place. They were relieved to hear that and Chayoung called Lisa to know if she was doing alright. Lisa said she is fine but she seemed a bit down and isn't talking much.

[1:00 Amm]

Vincenzo turned to the other side of the bed but he realized Chayoung wasn't there. He got up and went downstairs to see if she was there. She indeed was there in the living room sitting alone in the dark.

Vincenzo- Why didn't you turn on the light.

Chayoung- I wanted to sit in the dark for a little bit.

Vincenzo- You are thinking about Veronica right?

No reply came from chayoung and Vincenzo realized that she had puffy eyes as she was crying. He sat next to her and held her hand.

Vincenzo- Do you know when my mom send me away from her when I was eight years old, I was devastated. I couldn't process that my mom left me. I used to wait every day in the hope that my mom will come back and take me. But she never came.

When the Cassano family adopted me it took me a long time to settle in that family, but they never got annoyed they tried to make me feel like I am their family. And after I started to feel that I realized the emptiness in me started to fade away and I felt loved and wanted.

When you came to me that day after the charity event and told me about that little girl and her struggles I couldn't stop you from bringing her home because I could relate to her and I wanted her to experience love. And it was a blessing that she accepted us and she respected up so much. That's why I don't you to force her to look back she will eventually do that if she feels like she is ready. It's all about giving some time.

Chayoung- Do you know why I wanted her to look back?

Vincenzo- I do.

Chayoung- I don't want our daughter to have any regrets. like you did when you couldn't tell your mom that you are her son and you missed her and I couldn't see my dad at the last moment and tell him that I loved him.

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