Last group hug

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The reunion day was finally here. After what happened yesterday Veronica was a bit hesitant to come to the reunion but Erika somehow managed to bring her. Veronica saw a lot of her batch mates, her junior, seniors and her teachers. The event was decorated beautifully with light and flowers and candles. Everyone was enjoying in their own. There was music playing and on the other side their was the food table and the bar.
It was an eventful moment.

Oscar-Babe lets go dance.

Erika-Sure lets go

Daniel-Only if i had a girlfriend with whom i can also dance.

Veronica-I know how you feel, sucks to be single in such events.

Patrick-lets go to the bar becaue thats where the single people belong.

They went to the bar and ordered their drinks. After sometimes Patrick got a call and Daniel went to the washroom so they both left and veronica was there alone enjoying her drink.

Suddenly from the back Bright came.

Bright-I didnt know you drank tequila

Veronica-Daniel and patrick were having it so i thought i might take some as well.

Bright-So how are you doing?

Veronica-i am doing pretty good...What about you?

Bright-I am doing good as well

Veronica-Where is lisa?

Bright-She is outside taking pictures with some friends.

Veronica-So how did you guys start dating

Bright-I wanted to move on from you. Lisa apparently liked me so i accepted her proposal. Because i knew i couldn't like anyone as much as you.

Veronica-That was a pretty honest answer. You guys look cute together btw.

Bright-You are really trying to be nice and cool about your ex boyfriend and your best friend dating.

Veronica-I mean there is nothing else i can do other than to be cool about it. Not like i can have you back.

Bright-We can never deny the fact that we still like each other.

Veronica-Cheers to our broken hearts?

Bright-Also sorry about what lisa said she...

Veronica-I know she was insecure to see me. I mean i would be too if i saw my boyfriend's ex girlfriend cameback.

Bright-When are you leaving?

Veronica-Why? You want me to leave as soon as possible?

Bright-Its not that just asking. Mom wanted to see you before you leave.

Veronica-I am leaving tonight after the reunion. I miss your mom and her cheesecake. Remember i used to be obsessed with them and she used to make me some every weekend.

Bright-You use to eat my cheesecakes too how can i forget?

Veronica-Tell her i miss her.

Bright-She does too. I missed you....


Bright-I said i missed you too all these years. I waited for you to comeback.

Veronica-it would be a lie if i said i didn't miss you too.

Bright-All these years didnt you have a....

Veronica-A boyfriend? Umm no...i tried but couldnt move on from you.
Now that i have seen that you have moved on its high time i also find a boyfriend. I mean i dont want to be the only heatbroken person.

Veronica-All these years was there anytime when you hated me for leaving?

Bright-No, because i knew you wouldn't do that without a valid reason.

Veronica-Didnt you try to find the reason

Bright-I wanted to but i didn't. I wanted to wait till you cameback and told me.

Veronica-That day i got a call that i had to go back home because there was an emergency. They didn't tell me what it was so i tried to tell you guys that i had to leave but i couldn't find any of you. My phone had no signal so i couldn't even drop a text. When i went home i saw my parents lying on the floor covered with blood and the police told me they were shot. I knew who it was and i couldn't wait for the police to catch him so i had to take care of him myself. But after that i had to leave the country immediately, without getting a chance to say the last goodbyes.

After she told him everything he looked at her and pulled her closer and gave her a hug.

Bright-It must have been so hard for you to go through all of these alone.

Veronica-I couldn't bother anyone else for my problems.

Bright-Why did you decide to tell this to me now?

Veronica-i owed you an explanation. so here it is.

[Veronica gets a call]


Jacob-Veronica i am at the school gate we need to go to the airport. Its time for our flight.

Veronica-Yeah i am coming.

Veronica called patrick daniel oscar and erika to the bar and they all came.

Veronica-I actually called you guys to say that i have to leave now. I have to catch a flight back home today. So i guess i wont be able to see you guys anytime soon. And like last time i didnt wanted to go without telling anyone.

Daniel-We wont tell you to stay because we know you cant. But can we have a last group hug before you leave?

They all had a last group hug.

After that night everyone went to their usual life and lifestyle. They had to say goodbye to people with whom they grew up with but it is a part of life we live together we grow together but there will be a time when we have to separate form each other in order to focus in our lives.

[The end]

Thank you for reading till the end. Finally this story is finished. This was my first story so i know there are many mistakes but i hope i will be able to improve my writing and write better stories.

If you enjoyed reading please vote for it. This will help me feel motivated to write more in the future

with that being said thank you again for reading till here. Please leave a comment in the entire writing what you thought about this story.

Lets me know if i should upload a 2 part of this story.

Peace ✨

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