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"Yuji!" You cried out as your eyes snapped open and your breathing heavy, you were in a cold sweat and had sat up quickly once you woke up. Panting, you tried to regain a normal breathing rhythm and looked next to you just to see Yuji sleeping peacefully with his arms ready to wrap themselves around your waist again. You had been having constant dreams, every night, and it was always the same one. You were being taken away from Itadori and then watched hopelessly as he ripped his heart out of his chest like Sukuna had done on the day where he had practically died in front of you. You thought you had healed from the incident but in many ways you had just pushed it into the back of your thoughts and now it was shining through for some reason. Nobara had called it a premonition when you had told her about it, but you had shaken your head as that was probably the last thing you wanted to hear.

Nobara was still slightly awkward around you, you also couldn't count how many times she had apologised, asked to do things for you, and help you out in any way possible. Yesterday you even had to snap at her to go back to her usual self because seeing her so uncomfortable was making you annoyed. She was one of your only close female friends and you didn't want to lose her.

Shuffling around, you noticed that Yuji was slowly waking up out of his sleep, "(Y/n)?" He said with his rough morning voice. You closed your eyes and let out a deep breath. He slowly turned around and switched on his phone, the light from the phone illuminating his face and temporarily blinding him. "It's 3 in the morning." He whined, turning back around and grabbing you by the waist, pulling you back down onto the bed and holding you close to him.

Yuji was getting used to you waking up at strange times because of bad dreams so he knew how to handle the situation now. He grabbed your arm and placed it around his waist so you weren't uncomfortable and quickly pecked your lips. "It was just a bad dream, I'm here ok?" You listened to his comforting words and relaxed your muscles, melting into his embrace.

His comfort was one you'd never thank him enough for. Previously, when you used to have night terrors you'd never be able to fall back asleep, you'd slowly collapse mentally and go to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea in an attempt to try and relax yourself. It never worked, but you tried nevertheless. Now though, all you had to do was hear Yuji's heartbeat and it would lull you back to sleep.

This time though you couldn't fall back asleep, you had to constantly remind yourself that he was there, that he wasn't dead. That his heart was actually beating in his chest.

You and your father were sitting at the dinner table for the first time in months, you had your gaze fixed on your plate. "Eat." He said aggressively, you nodded and with a shaky hand lifted your chopsticks, which you had grabbed a piece of pork with, and raised it up to your mouth as if it were the bravest thing you were doing all day. You put it in your mouth and began chewing slowly, it wasn't that the food tasted bad, actually the opposite- but your fathers stare made it impossible to eat anything right now.
"I'm not that hungry sorry sir." You replied with a trembling voice. You then heard something whoosh by your ear and hit the wall behind you with a loud bang. When you realised he had thrown a piece of his cutlery at you, your eyes widened and a shiver ran down your spine.
"Murderers like you don't get to decide whether to eat or not." He was seething through his teeth.
"Sir I'm not a-" you tried to defend yourself but was quickly cut off by his booming voice that echoed throughout the room.
"SILENCE!" He shouted, you nodded quickly, the lump in your throat making it hard to swallow.

"I'm not a murderer." You whispered into Yuji's chest, trying to reassure yourself of your own thoughts. Your clutch on him became tighter and Itadori noticed, squeezing you lightly again to reassure you he was there. He was half asleep but could feel you doing small things like burrowing your head into his chest and shuffling around to get into a comfier position.

Giving up on trying to get back asleep Yuji pulled you away from him for a brief second to look at you in his sleepy daze. "(Y/n) when are you going to realise that you're not a monster, or a murderer. Your power doesn't define you, your actions define who you are. I love you so much and I wouldn't know what to do without you by my side." Yuji's words struck a cord deep inside you. Making your head lift up to look him directly in the eye, you placed a weak smile on your lips.
"I love you Itadori." You sighed, pulling him back into an embrace as you felt him kiss the top of your head.

He began playing with your hair, wrapping it around his fingers and then letting it slide off gently. Smiling he also traced his fingers up your spine, chuckling when he felt you shiver under his touch.

"Thank you for staying with me." You mumbled to Yuji, blinking slowly as you felt your body become heavy. Your breathing slowed and all the bad thoughts left your head, you reminded yourself of Yuji's words. That you weren't a monster or a murderer, you were just a scared teenager who was wielding too much power for her age.

Suddenly there was a small buzz from Yuji's phone and you felt as he shuffled to reach it and see who it could possibly be.

"Ready for our next top secret mission?" He said to you excitedly after ready the message from Gojo, who you thought would be asleep at this time of night but clearly not.
"Born ready." You smirked as you looked up at him with a warm gaze.

A/n- I'm currently writing up the mission chapter but it's going to take a while so I thought I'd give u guys some fluff because I want to emphasise how important this relationship with Yuji is to (y/n), he's helping her grow and become more comfortable with herself :) Next chapter out either this week or the next because I've got a bunch of exams that I need to study for so I don't get much time to write atm :(       
Love you all and hope you have a great day :)

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