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The morning sun streamed through your window, waking you up from your peaceful. You opened up your eyes and felt arms wrapped around your waist, a warm feeling spread through your chest as you felt Yuji pressed up against your body. Your eyes glanced up to see Yuji peacefully asleep, you stared at his face and leaned a bit closer to examine it and you looked at the scars underneath his eyes. 

Your lips brushed against his briefly, you wanted to feel the sensation of yours against his again. Is this what it felt like to like someone, you thought to yourself. Why did your heart burn when you saw his face? When you realised Yuji was awake and looking at you with wide eyes it was too late, he pressed his lips against yours lightly- making a blush spread across your face. "Goodmorning." His voice was rough, but you loved it. It made you think that you wanted to wake up next to him like this more often. 

A smile crawled on to your lips and you snuggled into his chest, feeling his arms squeeze around you a bit tighter. "Idiot." You muttered into his chest, hearing him chuckle in response. You wanted to punch him for making you feel so vulnerable but at the same time wanted to thank him for making you experience all these new feelings. 
"So do you like me now?" He asked, kissing your head lightly. You sucked in a breath and didn't know what to reply so you kept quiet. "That's fine, you don't have to answer me." He added, once he felt your uncomfortable aura. 

Yuji was happy enough to just feel you in his arms, he knew you weren't ready to tell him so he didn't want to push it out of you- you'd tell him how you felt when you were ready. He smiled and buried his head in your hair, breathing in the scent of your vanilla shampoo. You smelled of vanilla and lemons and he loved it, it was an exciting scent. 

Your cute moment was cut short by a knock at the door, you instantly shot up and got out of Yuji's grip. He shot you a confused look but just as he was about to say something you slammed your hands on his mouth- an indication to shut up. You then started pointing to your closet, telling him to go and hide. He understood that you didn't want to be caught together, mainly because then the principal would find out one way or another and that would put you in deep trouble. 

"(Y/n)?" Nobara's voice called out from the other side of the door, calling your name a little desperately. 
"Y-Yeah, I'm getting changed- h-hold on!" You replied, shoving a startled Yuji into the closet before going to open the door. When you opened it you were confronted with a smiling Nobara who had something in her hands, it looked like a dress. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, but your attention was more distracted at the fact that Yuji was currently in your closet. 
"Have you heard?! We're having a dance!" She told you with an excited face, it looked like something she had never done before so you gave her an anxious smile. She then walked into your room and sat on your bed, looking around your room before her eyes landed on your closet. You widened your eyes and then stood in front of her. 
"Is that all you came to say?"
"I thought we could get ready together and like go shopping for your dress, unless you already have one?" She said, peering around you at your closet. 
"N-NO! I don't have one, that's a good idea, let's go shopping together." You blurted out, ignoring the fact that you hated shopping, but if it would make Nobara leave your room quicker then you were willing to agree to anything.

"O-Ok!" Nobara replied, a little startled by your sudden outburst, or the fact that you had actually agreed to go shopping with her. "I'll come get you in an hour, wear something summery as it's pretty warm outside." She added before getting up to her feet and walked towards the door. 
"Ok, thank you." You replied, nodding your head. 
"By the way, have you seen Yuji anywhere?" She added smirking, your face dropped and Nobara could've sworn she'd seen a sweat drop form on your forehead. You shook your head and swallowed the anxious lump in your throat. "Did you end up telling him what you told me?" She was still smirking at you. "Like how you totally like-" You cut her off by slamming your hand on your mouth and pushed her out of the room, slamming the door behind you. 

Your back hit the door and you watched Yuji come out of the closet with a cheeky smile on his face, he then walked up to you and grabbed your waist, leaning his head towards yours. "What was Nobara about to say?" He asked cheekily, pulling you close to him. A blush spread across your face and you shook your head, indicating that you had no idea what he was talking about. 
"N-Nothing!" You replied, smiling nervously. 
"Okayyy." He said, placing a small kiss on your forehead before letting you go. He walked towards the door and just as he was about to leave he turned around and said, "I'll see you in an hour for that shopping trip." 

When he left you let out a long sigh, unsure how you felt right now you sat down at your desk and began thinking about what you were going to wear today for the little outing Nobara had planned. Your mind constantly wandered back to last night though and how Yuji had comforted you in your time of need, how he had been there for you. You were going to thank him, that was for sure. 

After you had finished getting changed you looked in the mirror, you had decided on a plaid skirt with thigh high socks accompanied by a large shirt. It was comfy and you felt confident in what you were wearing. You thought of how your father wouldn't approve of your outfit and smiled. "Fuck you old man." You said to the mirror with a beaming face. 

Eventually you heard a knock at the door and opened it to see Yuji, Nobara and Megumi standing there waiting for you. "Hold up, I'll grab my bag." You told them, quickly walking back into your room and shoving the essentials into a cute shoulder bag.

Megumi on the other hand had a blush on his face, he'd never seen you dress like that and it made him feel a way he had never felt before. Before he saw you as a sister and would never think weird thoughts, but over the course of the past few months he realised that maybe he was feeling more than that. Especially seeing you in a short skirt and thigh high socks, he knew that it was something you'd wear so he thought you were perhaps trying to impress someone. He peered over at Yuji who had wide eyes as well, he watched as you walked out of your room in your platform boots with a smile on your face. 

Little did you know the thoughts that were running through Yuji's head, he was thinking of kissing you there on the spot to let the others know not to touch her, in a weird protective way- especially after he saw the way Megumi was staring at you with a blush on his face, that made him feel angrily protective of you. 

"Wow (Y/n)- y-you look different dressed up like that with your hair up as well." Nobara said. You suddenly felt a little self-conscious as she hadn't really dressed up. She had a pair of jeans and a jumper on, a blush spread out on your cheeks and you pulled at your skirt, trying to lower it a little so it wasn't so short. 
"Y-You told me to dress up!" You exclaimed, embarrassed- glancing at Yuji just to see him smiling innocently down at you, as if he saw nothing wrong with what you were wearing. You awkwardly coughed and apologised to Nobara for raising your voice before trudging towards your room, determined to get changed. 

You felt someone grab your arm and pull you along, you looked up just to see Yuji with a cute smile pulling you along the corridor back to the other two who were just standing there not knowing what to say. 

"I think she looks really good dressed like that, let's go." Yuji commented confidently, before pulling you out from the dorms. 

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