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You woke up to the soft sound of water rushing in your ears and the breathing of someone next to you, your eyes slowly batted open and you felt your head bandaged and parts of your body aching. As soon as you opened your eyes you noticed you were in the infirmary and the memories of what had happened previously shot through your mind like a bullet. Wincing, due to the pain, you sat up and stared at the boy who was nervously sitting next to you.
"Yuji?" You mumbled out and he nodded, grabbing your hand and squeezing it to let you know he was there.

He reached out his hand and cupped your face affectionately, you leaned your head into his hand and let out a sigh of relief- just knowing that he was ok made you feel better despite the pain you were in. "You really scared me there." He whispered, shuffling closer to you but then flinching slightly when he looked down at your bare waist, that's when you realised you were only in your bra- it usually would embarrass you but right now you were with Yuji so the initial embarrassment slowly faded away. You sat up slowly and started to examine your body to see what Yuji was looking at, your eyes widened when you saw a large purple mark staining your hip.

"What happened (Y/n)?" Yuji asked, he wanted to hear what you had to say despite having already talked to Nobara who had various injuries as well, but none as serious as yours. Your face scrunched up into an uncomfortable one but then decided to take the blame for what happened because you didn't want Nobara to get into trouble.
"I summoned a cursed spirit so that Nobara could show me her new move, it's my fault, I thought I could control it but it seems like I can't." You hung your head in disappointment but then felt Yuji shuffle even closer to you. His arms now reaching out for you, you leaned into his chest and let his arms wrap around you.

You both didn't say a word of the remaining time, just spending the moments in each others embrace to remind you that you were safe and that there was nothing to worry about. Yuji was conflicted though, he had to admit that he'd never thought you'd use your cursed technique so freely, let alone on school grounds but he was glad you weren't calling yourself a monster like you usually did, and on top of that he was glad you were even letting him hold you in this moment.

"(Y/n)!" Gojo-sensei's voice rang in your ears as the door to the infirmary slid open to reveal him, Megumi and Nobara. Nobara had a worried look plastered on her face but when she saw you leaning supportively against Yuji her worry faded slightly, she was over the moon that you were ok but still feeling guilty about how she had pressured you to use your cursed technique- she knew you were scared of using it yet she still forced you to and that fact made her unable to even look you in the eyes right now. Megumi on the other hand rushed in and crouched down, examining you, he didn't care that you were half naked, he was more preoccupied about the fact that you were injured.
"Hey Megumi." You said to him weakly, forcing a smile upon your lips. He watched as you sat up straight and turned to face him, revealing the large bruises that now painted your torso purple. His eyes widened and he stood up suddenly, before walking out of the room. "He didn't even say hello back." You pouted before turning back to Yuji who grabbed your hand once more, interlacing his fingers in yours protectively.

Megumi walked out of the room and almost ran back to his, his heart beating out of his chest. Seeing you injured and in such a bad state triggered something inside him. He felt like he couldn't breathe and slammed the door to his room shut before sliding his back against the door. "Fuck, stop feeling like this." He seethed through clenched teeth, when he started seeing you smiling in his head he began grabbing his hair and angrily pulling at it he was frustrated with himself and had kept it in for so long that seeing you injured had just broken the dam that was holding back all his emotions. He had wanted to hug you but at the same time he was scared of hurting you but he knew Yuji wouldn't be scared. It was in that moment that he gave up on loving you and focused on being a better brother figure, at the end of the day it's for the best, he thought- the image of you becoming blurry in his head. Exhausted, he flopped onto his bed and closed his eyes.

Gojo, in the meantime, was looking at the scene that was unfolding before him with a cheeky grin, he was glad you were ok, deep down, but the fact that he could see how touchy feely you were with Yuji was entertaining for him. "Yuji I'm going to have to have a little chat with (Y/n) so if you don't mind leaving!" He said with a smile on his face, Yuji nodded and got up- releasing his grip from you. You bit your lower lip and tried to lean back a little but then gasped in pain, Yuji instantly spun around and crouched back down.
"I'm fine Yuji, I'm fine." You hushed his away from you with a hand and he took a deep breath before lifting himself up and walking out of the room.

Yuji didn't want to leave your side, he knew that you were in pain but if Gojo needed to talk to you he knew that it was important. Plus you wouldn't be going anywhere in the state you were in so he crouched down outside the door with his back to the wall. The door to the infirmary was closed so he couldn't eavesdrop on your conversation but he could he the humming of voices.

"(Y/n) you know I'm going to have to report what you've done to the elders..." Gojo's voice trailed off when he saw you lower you head and begin to tremble. You didn't want Yuji to see you cry so you had kept it together until now but after hearing what Gojo had said you were trembling with fear. The Elders knew what potential for damage your cursed technique had and were very aware of what could happen if you were to be emotionally unstable- to them you were a ticking time bomb. Tears spilled out of your eyes and dripped onto your hands in your lap. "Oi oi oi! (Y/n) I was joking!" Gojo exclaimed, he never actually intended to tell the elders he just wanted to pull a little prank on you to get an angry reaction but instead he had triggered the water works and had no idea what to do to console you.

You head snapped up to face him and he saw the furious look in your eyes. "You think that's something to joke about?" You asked, raising your hand as if you were about to slap him.
"Hey! Let's not get aggressive!" He chuckled anxiously and from his crouching position stood up straight.

Sighing, you lowered your hand and placed it back in your lap. "You know you're a really ugly crier." Gojo said, trying to lighten the mood."
"Oh go fuck yourself." You snapped, crossing your arms angrily over your chest- but in a gentle manner so that you wouldn't apply pressure on your bruises.
"Masamichi (Y/n), did you just swear at your sensei?" He asked, pulling down his bandana to look at me with one of his shocking blue eyes. You stuck up a middle finger up at him and then let out a small giggle. "Anyways I came here to tell you not to let this happen again, take this as a warning, I don't want my students getting hurt- including you, clear?" His tone had become deadly serious as he covered back up his eye again. You nodded and replied with an honest yes, as soon as he heard you agree a smile spread on his face and he called in Yuji again.

You heard a shuffle of footsteps and the door open with an expectant Yuji, "She's not moving away is she?!" He exclaimed, running in front of you in a protective manner, "I won't let you take her away!" He whined spreading his arms like a starfish, you let out a little laugh and he turned around a little to face you.

"Don't worry I'm not going away." You said with a wide reassuring on your face.
"Promise?" He said, sticking out his pinkie.
"Promise." You replied, taking his pinkie finger with yours, making a promise you wouldn't be able to keep.

Gojo in the meantime stood there awkwardly and began shuffling towards the door with an awkward smile and his thumbs up in a weird supportive way.

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