chapter fourteen P4

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     "The granny I said who choked and came back from the death bed?" she asked, low tune.

"Yes." I answered, recalling each and every scene she just told.

"That was none other than my mom, your grandma who you'd loved more than anything in this whole world." she said totally calm. She was pressing her lips together as if she was about to cry out loud.

"Before my mom's death she wished her last wish that one of her grandsons should've to marry the girl who saved her life two years back as her payback. She'd always felt that she'd owe that girl her life."

She smiled. "I was searching for that girl for the past two years. And I'd created lots of social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, even including tinder." She said, crooked smiling.

So she was talking about the incident which was held two decades before. And here I was forgetting what I just ate in the morning breakfast. She was having great memory power. I appreciate that. But who was this and that girl who'd saved my granny's life? Now I was annoyed.

"Then one day my friend Mallika went to India to visit her childhood friends. And Sammy's also one of her friends there too. They exchanged their numbers. When Mallika got back to US, she created that 'what's app' group "friends forever" and she added me and Anu's aunt Sammy too. I was literally obsessed with videos which's share via what's app. So one day Sammy shared a photo of a girl who was chubby and wearing a red saree. She exactly looked like a girl who'd my mom gave promise for, to god."

I was concentrating on her words.

Was she talking about Anu? The 'what's app' group? Sammy?

Yes, it was all like I'd already heard this part of the story before. She was talking about Anu. But why's this thing can relate to what I was asking her to say.

"Then after a minute or two, she deleted the post. When I contacted her privately she told me that she sent that picture by mistake and she'd never do that again. Actually, she'd have to send that picture to another potential groom's family.

And she sent it on the group by mistake." I can't take in all of this and I let out a big sigh.

She chuckled.

"It was your wife, you silly boy." she cupped my cheek and pinched it, friendly.

"All this time I was talking about your wife, Anu."

I shoved away her hand and stood from the chair. What I was asking and what she was saying nothing has an inch link between that. "This has nothing to do with why you published that news about me with Johana?" I made her remember that.

"There was a link. Think son."

"I thought about that already. Anu was nothing to do anything that you did for Me." she paused to scrutinize my face.

But I didn't show her any expression.

"As I said before I gave your granny a say about brining Anu to our house as daughter-in-law. First I thought about Rahul and Anu marrying but he was already married and he was too old for her. Then I didn't think about you because you'd already told me that you'd never marry until you see the right girl or moved on from break-up with Johana. So I then thought about Venkat and Anu but he was way too younger than her." She locked her gaze on me.

"So you made this whole media drama to get me married to her and not caring about how loss I've been seeing in this company after I took the charge as CEO.

You only care about my married life not dad's company." I complained her.

I sat on the chair with a full thud like I was lost consciousness. I hide my sobbing face with my hands. Mom came towards me and locked me in her arms.

And that was it I started crying out loud in her arms. She rubbed my back and kissed me on my hair. "It's okay Arjun. I'm sorry.

You know I love you." She comforted me. "I love you, dear."

"I know you can put our company back in top 3." She said cupping by chin.

"Why?" I saw her soul straight through her eyes.

"You're my Arjun. I believe you. Don't you think dad must ask Venkat to be the CEO of his company before he asked you?

And why did he chose you?" she raised an eyebrow

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