chapter 14

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It was a Sunday morning. I, Adam, Alice, Krishna and Charles wereplaying hide and seek. While Adamseeking us all hid at different places, Adam was supposed to count hundred beforehe come to find us. But he was very fastat counting so before even we could hide properly he found me very easily. Now that I was out I've to seek them. I like to hide but seeking wasn't my cup ofcoffee. I put a total mind chart about how manyrooms were there in that house and which people would be hiding in whichplaces. I thought about Adam, he must behiding on his room or in his father's. So I went his room first without a knock or the sound of my footsteps Iopened his room and found him lying under his bed. "I found you!" I shouted. He groaned and get out under his bed. Then I thought about Alice and without anyother thinking my legs walked towards the kitchen. She was hiding in the cupboard under thecounter. "I found you too!" I shouted. She smiled and raised her hands insurrender. Then I thought about Krishna and Charles,Krishna must be hiding in the back yard and for some reasons I thought Charlesmust be with him too. I checked them inthe backyard but they were nowhere to be found. So I went to check each and every other room in the house. While checking rooms I couldn't find anyoneof them. I was totally angry with themand went to check in the store room. When I opened the door of the store room I couldn't believe my owneyes. I caught them red-handed. Krishna's hand was half way to his mouth asCharles was hiding behind the cupboard behind him even the cupboard was halfhis size. I laughed. Then they laughed. Then Adam joined us as Alice laughed frombehind us. "Come on. Get going. I can't say Devi thatrat ate those nuts and not Krishna." Adam laughed out loud for that one andsaid, "Good one, Anu" I smirked at him. Once after they left the room, when I wasabout to leave the room a paper caught my attention. It was of the floor beside the door likesomeone threw it in there. I walkedtowards it and took that paper in my hand and dusted the dust. I was going to open that newspaper when I heardAdam shouting his countdown, "77, 78, 79, 80..." I rolled that news paper in myhand and started to hide. I1 hid behind the sofa in the living roomwhere nobody belies that anybody would hide there. While I was kneeling behind the sofa I sawArjun, he was talking to someone on phone, furious in his voice andbody-language. "I'm on my way." Hegrumbled. Why was he behaving like this? What's the matter? Why was he wearing suit in Sundays. I never saw him this early on weekends. What was going on with him?

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