chapter fourteen P3

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   She looked away from my face. "You never gave those photos to the media?" I keep my finger to my chin as if I was thinking what I was going to say.
"So what's the profit mom? Only loss, dad's company has been losing our net rate. After I became the CEO of dad's company there were only losses. Why?"
"I did all this for your sake!" she cried.
"How?" "I know it didn't seem like going good. I did all this drama because..." she hesitated.
"Because I want to see you married." She said.
"What?" I asked unacceptably.
"Yes, it may sound sheepish but this is the truth. Do you know how I saw her?"
"Who?" I asked and then realized she was talking about Anu. But that has nothing to do with her. Or has it? She sat on her bed and pattered the empty spot beside her. But I refuse to take and dragged her dressing chair and sat an inch away across from her.

When she saw my face was painted with confused she squeezed my hand and her right hand touched my shoulder as if she was making me calm. Once my breathing was normal, she took her hand back from my shoulder and went to rest on her lap.

"I went to India to attend my brother's son's wedding. The wedding hall was full of people. Children were running and playing around. The bride and groom were posing to the camera as the cameraman's making them move. I'd no idea about the young ladies I saw there. They were all trying really hard to get young gentlemen's attention. Those young ladies were standing as a group at the corner of the hall and giggling for some nonsense jokes. If I'm being honest, those aren't a joke itself. I was thinking, do they even open their mouth to say something. No, they didn't even open their mouth and they were giggling for a joke. Nonsense." It felt like she hates those characters of girls like I do. She hates them I saw that on her eyes while she spoke.

"Those young gentlemen were more than that. They see one girl and show their 100 teeth in one mouth and turn back to their friend and comment about that young lady's size and figure and not to mention skin color too. Idiot." Her eyes were angry like she was scolding those 'young gentlemen'


These stories have nothing to do with neither me nor her I guess. So these were all about those young ladies and young gentlemen. And also it looks like my mother and I have something, no, almost everything in common.

"There I saw this girl who was quiet and sitting on the front row and didn't know what to do and simply looking at the floor. She was sure not to make eye contact with people very often. She was chubby, shy, quiet, respectful brown girl I'd ever seen. That's when I realized that she was not alone and she was with her parents. I thought she was acting because of her parents like any girls would do." She paused and took a deep breath as if she wasn't really concentrated on her breathing system but on the flash back she was telling me.

"Then I followed her to the dining hall where thousands of people_" I gave her that look. "Okay, okay, hundreds of people." She was coping. I knew that, now a day inviting a thousand of people, were insane and you can't control the crowd in that simple and small wedding hall.

"This time she was all alone. She sat on the dining seat next to a granny who's in her late eighties. The servant served the food to all the guests. Once they were done serving, their first portion of guests started eating. She was shy while eating. She didn't look up while asking refill, her eyes stayed on that banana leaf. She was eating her slow as if the world was in peace. 

      While she was eating suddenly the granny who she sat next to started coughing. If I remembered it correctly she was choking as the food stuck in her throat.

There was no one see that one coming including the girl next to that granny." She paused again this time to stare at my eyes.

I stared back at her. I wanted her to say why she misused my name of media but here she was talking about the movie or story she'd just read in a book. I sighed in disbelief.

"The girl next to that grandma who was eating as shy, quiet and didn't even bother to make an eye contact with people, suddenly stood from her chair and searched for water. And the twist was the server forgot to serve the water bottle for that row. She didn't know what to do. She looked at the granny worried and pattered her head as if to swallow the food which was stuck on her throat. But that thing didn't work. This time that granny choked out loud can't control her breathing.

When she saw this situation was getting critical she ran away from there." 

           What she ran away from there? How inhuman she was? Does she even know what kindness was? Or did she even have any granny at her home? How stupid she was? I was about to start scolding her harsh before she started continue her story which was her flash back. And I didn't have chance but hearing it in patience.

I thought about saying her to come to the point. But what was a point? She'd say the whole story anyway.

"Then the crowd started rounding around that granny didn't giving space to air and blocking the way as if they were watching an India and Pakistan match and like she'd survive or not. Most of the people in the world were selfish and selfish and more selfish." She complained. "Then the crowd was making a way for someone to enter. Actually I was standing near that granny and shouting the people to move and give her some space. But no one heard me. I tilted my head up to see for whom, they were making the space for and when I saw her I can only see the shadow of her due to the brightness behind from her back.

Thats when I saw that hand holding a bottle of water, her face and forehead was sweating and her breath were uneven as if she ran like a sister of P.T Usha. I didn't think any further and took that bottle from her hand gave it to that granny who was in my hand don't know where she'd go after her death." She said forcing a smile. That smile worried her.

"When she drank that, she stopped chocking and came back to normal." She said, relieved.

"Did you see her, then?" I asked her, totally interested.

"No!" She shouted.


Then, what was this story to do with me?" I asked, doubted and confused.

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