Chapter 1

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People that usually looked at you, never really saw you. It always felt like they were looking right through you. Your interest in science and the unknown, you supposed it left a lot of people unsettled. Not many appreciated things they couldn't understand. Hence the reason for your most recent brush with a pair of some annoyed females.

"You think you're hot stuff now huh, just because Milo asked you for help in chemistry." the girl in front of you shoved you, and her two friends laughed as you knocked into the locker. Milo Jefferson was one of the cutest and sweetest guys in school. His girlfriend Faith, not so much. You picked up your books, adjusting your glasses. 

"I was just helping him with his work, the teacher partnered us up." you muttered. Faith unscrewed her bottle, and you just held your book out as she emptied the contents of her drink over your head. A few of the students in the hallway watched, some snickering, and a few taking pictures.

"Stay away from my boyfriend." She hissed. She dropped the bottle, walking off with her two henchmen. You rose to your feet, not at all surprised. You made sure to pack extra clothes for days like this, just in case. Pretty much everything you did seemed to irritate her. For some reason making your life miserable was her hobby.

Walking over to your locker, you placed your books away, wiping your face as you dug around for your back up clothes. Luckily you were still on break. You wouldn't have to sit through multiple periods in soaked sticky clothing.

"What a great start to a beautiful day." 

Not only have you been sick for the last couple days, with your most recent loss, things just felt like they were falling apart. You wanted to punch something, or someone. Anything that would help with the numbness in your chest. Walking through the doors of your own home didn't even feel the same.

Nothing did.

So all you could really do was go about life like nothing was wrong. Like you weren't slowly dying on the inside from the weight of it all.


The day carried on. You survived through literature, enjoyed a bit of biology and pretty soon you were heading out the school, jumping on your bike to take off. It wasn't a long ride back to your house, and as soon as you made it through the door, you spotted May in the kitchen.


"Just got back." you called in return. " you barely glanced at her, heading up the stairs with haste. 

"I made apple pie, you're favorite. "

"I'm not hungry." you spoke, shutting the door to your room. Your bag dropped with a harsh thump, and you leaned against the door.

"What the hell is wrong with my head." 

During the day the migraines were present, but bearable. 

Now it felt almost crippling. A chill ran up your spine, and you staggered, reaching out for the bed. Throwing your glasses carelessly on the bed, you tumbled to the floor almost instantly. You barely felt the fall. Curling into a ball you rocked slightly, hoping, praying that the ache would just somehow disappear.

Your breaths were slowing becoming even, and you closed your eyes letting the exhaustion wash over you. 

Raphael x Parker Reader - Fanfiction (TMNT 2014/2016)Where stories live. Discover now