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A bit of Romione. I'm sorry if some of it might not make sense, I was half asleep.

Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny's waist from behind and kissed her neck. Ginny closed her eyes and sighed. "Oh Harry."

"If you've finished studying, may I take take you away." Harry whispered in her ear.

"Depends on where you're taking me" she whispered back.

"How about a walk in the grounds." Harry suggested.

"I was thinking more like Hawaii but the grounds will work, for now." She smirked at him.

"Oh don't you worry, I will take to Hawaii someday." He said.

"And when well that be exactly, Mr Potter?" She asked, jokingly.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe our honeymoon." Ginny's eyes widened.

"What?" Harry immediately went deep red at the realisation of what he had just said.

"Er I mean- what I meant was- look I- I love-" His stuttering was intuerpped by a strict voice.

"Harry I told to not to distract her, she studying!" Hermion said, harshly but quietly. Ginny glared at her.

"I was just going to take her for a 5 minute walk." Harry said, relieved that he wouldn't have to explain himself. Only if she doesn't ask him after, hope.

Hermione thought for a bit then said, "Alright, but don't take to long. You have History of magic test tomorrow, Ginny."

And she went to pick out a book from another section. Ginny looked as if she was about to scream at Hermione. Looking at her expression, Harry took Ginny's hand and led her out.

As soon as they reached out of the library, Ginny pushed Harry against the wall, her hands on his chest.

"So, what were you saying back in the library?" Ginny asked, smirking.

"Um. . ." Harry scratched the back of his neck. "I- look Ginny I'm sorry if a offended you I-". But he was cut of by Ginny kissing him.

"After the honey- Hawaii bit. What were you saying?" Ginny asked desperately. Harry pulled her close.

"Ginny I lo-" Interrupted, again!

"You might want to snog somewhere else, Harry, Ginny." It was Slughorn. "Harry your grades really have dropped. You will have to pull your socks up and stop being so lovesick." He smiled at them then left.

Harry sighed. "Let's go outside." He led Ginny outside, she seemed pretty pissed.

As soon as they were near the quidditch pitch, Harry pulled her close by waist. One hand on her waist and the other on the back of her neck, under her flaming red hair. He kissed her hard on the lips.

"Mph." Ginny moaned as Harry slipped his tongue in her mouth. Harry moaned softly as Ginny pressed her body against his. Harry's hand went under her robes. They broke apart panting.

"Harry what were you gonna say last night, before that git interrupted us?" Ginny asked, panting.

"Ginny I. . ." Harry looked her in the eyes, building up the courage. "I - love - y-"

Woof! Woof!

"STUPID DOG!" Ginny screeched, pulling out her wand and pointing it at Fang.

"Ginny!" Harry said, getting a hold of her wrist, trying to stop her from hexing the poor dog.

"Move Harry!" Ginny threw a hex which barely missed Fang.

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