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Harry had his head on Ginny lap as she played with his hair. He had his eyes closed while he listened to the water of the lake, and enjoyed the feel of Ginny's hands in his hair.

"Harry?" Ginny said, nervously.


"Where were you before we met up at the Entrance hall?" She asked, hesitantly.

"Well-" Harry started, but Ginny interrupted, rather fiercely.

"Don't you dare try to make up a story. I want the truth."

"I was with Dumbledore." Harry said, plainly.


Harry got his head off her lap and sat up in front of her. "I'm having private lessons with him."


"I can't tell you that."

"Do Ron and Hermione know?"


"So why can't I know?"

"Because no one's meant to know that I'm having these lessons. I don't think much of the Order knows either." Harry explained, calmly.

"But Ron and Hermione know."


They looked at eachother for a moment. Ginny's eyes narrowed as she angrily looked at Harry.

"So why can't you tell me?"

Harry bit his lips and looked down at his hands on his lap.

"It's something to do with Voldemort, right?" She said without hesitating to say his name.

Harry looked up at her then taking a deep breath, he said "Yes. But I can't tell you any more than that."

"You haven't told me anything yet. Just that you're having lessons with Dumbledore." Ginny said, anger boiling inside her. "I don't understand why you can't just tell me what this is all about. I am your girlfriend after all. I have a right to know what's going on in my boyfriend's life."


"No!" She said, furiously. "It's always been like that. I always get left out of everything. You, Ron and Hermione are always going on adventures-"

"Well it's not exactly fun-"

"- saving the world. Making everyone proud." She continued. "You three were planning on going to the Department of Mysteries alone, too.

"I thought it would be different now. I thought you'd be more open with me, now that we're dating. But no it's still the same. Nothing's changed at all. You still don't want to tell me anything."

"It's not like that." Harry said, quitely.

"Then what's it like Harry?"

"I do want to tell you. In fact, I want to tell you everything!" He said honestly.

"So then tell me."

"But I can't."

"But why? You can tell Ron and Hermione but you can't tell me."

Harry opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. Ginny grabbed her shoe and was just about to put it on when Harry kissed her and the shoe fell out of her hand.

Harry broke the kiss but their faces were just inches away. "I'm sorry." He whispered. He kissed her forehead then said in a low whisper, again. "I'm so sorry."

He then pushed her onto the grass and straddled her. He kissed her again. He licked her bottom lip and she opened her mouth to grant him access. She moaned as his tongue teased hers.

Harry then slid his tongue out of her mouth and broke the kiss. He looked Ginny in the eyes with an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry. I want to tell you everything, I really do. But I can't."

She turned her head to the left facing the other way. Her eyes slid shut and she gasped as she felt Harry's lips on her neck. He trailed kisses down her neck until he reached shoulder. He then kissed his way to the other shoulder. She couldn't help but moan and turn her head to the right, to give Harry better access.

He came face to face with her again and gave her a peck on the lips. "I know you're mad, annoyed and angry but I can't. But I promise you, one day I'll tell you everything."



"And when will that day come?"



"Very soon." He gave her a kiss on the forehead again. "And on that day, there will be no secrets between us. Because from that day I'll tell you everything. I'll never hide anything."

"Really?" He nodded. "Promise?"


Ginny rolled them over so now she was straddling him. "I'll hold you to that promise. And oh boy you're gonna be really sorry if you break it." He smiled and Ginny kissed him again.

They stayed there cuddling and kissing for a few more minutes until the bell rang and lunch was over.

Hinny Missing Moments HBPTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon