A Particularly Happy Hour

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. . . A particularly happy hour he had spent down by the lake with Ginny at lunchtime . . .

"Ginny calm down." Harry said as Ginny stuffed food in her mouth. "You're acting like Ron." Ron stuck his tongue out at him.

"Harry I've been studying all day today, I'm really hungry." Said Ginny taking a bite of a pumkin pasty.

"So do you wanna go for a walk after you finish? Get some fresh air." Harry suggested. "I'll give you a nice-"

"Snog?" Ron interrupted, looking disgusted.

"Ron! Harry and Ginny can do what they please." Hermione scolded. "But Ginny get back to studying afterwards OK?"

Ginny nodded sipping her pumkin juice.

"But wouldn't Ginny get distracted if Harry snogs her?" Ron asked looking grumpy.

"I was saying, I'll give you a nice head massage, before Ron rudley interrupted." Said Harry looking sharply at Ron.

"Oh." Ron said dumbly. "Well that's OK then."

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Come Harry let's go, I'm done." Ginny said getting up and pulling Harry with her. And with that they both left the Great Hall.

"Harry, you are going to snog me as well, right?" Ginny said raising an eyebrow.

"Well you're not going to let me get away otherwise, are you?" Harry replied.

"Nope." She said as she gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

"Here." Harry said leading Ginny to the tree they always sat under, by the lake.

They both took their robes and shoes off to get comfortable. Harry sat with his back against the tree, his legs crossed so that could Ginny put her head on his lap. She closed her eye as he gave her a nice head massage relieving all her stress for exams.

"I really need that." Ginny said quietly. "With all the studying, homework and essays. Not to mention Hermione telling me to focus on my studies all the time. I swear I forget all my worries when I'm with you."

Harry just smiled and kissed her head, inhaling her sweet smell.

"Oh how would I have gone through with all this stress without you. Your head massage really helps." Ginny said, truthfully.

"I'm happy to help." Harry said, smiling down at his girlfriend.

"You're a big help Harry, honestly." Said Ginny.

"So ready to tell your mum about us?" Harry asked, hesitantly.

"Harry, I know you don't like lying to my mum but I just want to keep it between us for now." Said Ginny.

"Yeah no one knows, except everyone at Hogwarts, including the teachers." Harry teased.

"Oh shut up. Not my fault you had to kiss me in front of fifty people." said Ginny. "Not that I'm complaining it was amazing."

"I was a bit surprised of my actions too." Harry said, truthfully. "Would you have preferred me to do it in private?"

"No it was brilliant. It was fun seeing everyone's reactions." Ginny laughed.

"I thought Ron would be mad but he seemed quite pleased." Harry commented.

"Well I guess that would be because he 'trusts' you with me." Ginny said, rolling her eyes.

"I had a dream once that I kissed you and Ron was chasing me with a beater's bat." Harry said remembering the dream.

Ginny laughed. "That would've been fun to see." She said. Harry glared at her. "Only I would've hexed him into next century." Harry laughed and leaned down to kiss her on the lips.

Ginny got up and straddled him. She kissed him, hard on the lips. He opened his mouth slightly and her tongue darted in. They rolled over so that Ginny was laying on the grass with Harry on top of her.

She moaned as she felt Harry's hand go up her shirt. She never let Dean's hands go anywhere but her waist, back and hair. She never let them wander as much as she let Harry's every once in while.

Ginny gave another soft moan as Harry trailed kisses along her jawline. He started kissing her neck, Ginny ran her hands through his hair. She rolled them over again so now she was on top. Ginny nibbled at his ear as he moaned.

Just as Harry's hand started moving towards her stomach, the bell rang.

They gasped, breathless after their little 'snog session'.

"Well we better get going." Harry said getting up. He helped Ginny to her feet.

"You really are my stress reliever Harry." Ginny gave Harry one last peck on the lips, and took his hand as they headed back to the castle.

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