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Ginny sighed and put her quill in the ink bottle. It was 12am. She had been working for hours.

She started with revising for DADA, then finished her left over homework for Divination, then done her essay on the Draught of Peace and also finished her essay for Herbolgy, on the effects of Dittany, just now.

Ginny closed her eyes, folded her arms and rest her head o them. I could really do with a cool, iced butterbeer right now, she thought to herself.

There was a sound of something being put on the table. Ginny could smell a sweet aroma of Vanilla and butterscotch. She opened her eyes and looked up. There were two mugs of butterbeer. Are my wishes coming true?

"I wish my Harry was here." She said, hopefully. Harry knelt down next to her with his elbow placed on the table.

"Your wish is my command." Harry said and Ginny pulled him into a kiss. "Seriously Ginny? Ever heard of 'taking a break'?" He said, breaking the kiss.

"Are you saying that for me or so that you can get more snogging done?" Ginny grinned.

"Hmm. Well maybe both." Harry kissed Ginny again. He then took the butterbeers and gave one the Ginny.

"How did you even manage to get your hands on this?" Ginny said, taking the butterbeer from him.

"Well I knew you'd be tired so I told Dobby to you get some iced butterbeer, just how you like it." Said Harry, sweetly.

"Aww. Trying to get on my good side are we?" Ginny joked.

"Well if 'getting on your side' means I get more snogs and kisses, then yeah." Said Harry with a smirk, Ginny giggled.

They both took a sip of the butterbeer, giving them both a cream moustache. They burst out laughing after seeing each other's faces.

Ginny leaned down and slowly licked the cream off Harry upper lip. Harry closed his eyes and held his breath; just the feel of Ginny's tongue on his lips made him crave to kiss her. Ginny smiled in satisfaction as she felt him shiver.

He exhaled, disappointalty as he lost the feeling of her tongue. Harry then leaned forward and did the same. But before he could pull back, Ginny pulled him into a searing kiss.

Ginny lightly nibbled at Harry bottom lip causing him to part his lips and she slipped her tongue in. She smiled against his lips when she heard him let out a soft moan. Harry slowly slipped his hand under her shirt. He ran his fingertips over her bare back making her tremble a bit.

Although this was fun, Ginny felt a pain in her back. She broke the kiss and pulled Harry with her.

"I've been sitting on this chair for hours, my back really hurts. Can we go on the couch?" Said Ginny.

"Yeah this position is rather uncomfortable." Harry added.

They moved to the couch, Ginny laid down with her head of the arm of the couch. Harry knelt down next to her, slowly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I love your hair." He smiled down at her.

"Just my hair?" Ginny raised an eyebrow.

"And I love your eyes. I also love your fiery personality. And I love you- your family. You know the Weasleys." Harry quickly corrected himself.

"My family eh?" Ginny was getting pretty frustrated. Everytime he's close to saying the three magical words, he changes the topic. "'Cause from what I heard, you were saying 'I love y-'" She was cut off as Harry pressed his lips against hers.

Maybe some other day. She thought to herself, but one day, I will get it out of him. She kissed him back and pulled him on top of her. She lightly wrapped her legs around his, burying her hands in his messy hair.

Harry broke the kiss and gave her a small kiss and laid his head down on her chest. Ginny smiled and wrapped her arms around him, tightly and kissed his head.

Harry took a deep breathe and exhaled.

"Ginny I. . . I need to tell you something." Harry started.

"Yes?" Harry lifted his head to look at her.

"Ginny I- I've realised that I- I love y-"

"It's 12:30 you know." They both looked up to see Ron standing at the bottom of the stairs to the boys' dormitory. "I was starting to worry 'cause Harry wasn't in his bed I thought you'd been kidnapped or something and you're down here having butterbeer with Ginny."

Harry sighed and got up and said,"She'd been studying for hours so I thought I'd get her some butterbeer."

"You never get me butterbeer." Ron pouted.

"Well you don't study late into the night, do you?" Harry said, raising an eyebrow.

"Actually, he hardly ever studys'." Ginny said, angrily while getting up.

"But still it's late. You two should be in bed right now." Ron said, folding his arms.

"We can stay awake for however long we like, Ron." Ginny said, also folding her arms.

Harry sensed an argument boiling up as Ron opened his mouth to retort. "Listen-"

"No you can't." They all looked around to see Hermione standing there. "You're supposed to be in bed by midnight and Ginny I told you to come back as soon as it's midnight. Ron was just doing his duty as a prefect."

"Duty? Ha, as if. More like ruining-" But Ginny was cut off buy Harry.

"They're right, it is getting quite late." Ginny glared at him but he looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Fine. G'night." She gave Harry a kiss and followed Hermione up to the girls' dormitory.

"Honestly Ginny I thought I made it clear that you had to be back by-"

"You and Ron ruined the perfect moment!" Ginny said, angrily.

"I- what?" Hermione looked at her confused.

"He was about to say 'I love you' for Merlin's sake!" Ginny screeched.

"What?!" Hermione said, a little too loud. She covered her mouth and look around then whispered, "What?"


"You love him too, right?"

"Of course I do Hermione!"

"Then that's great!"

"No it isn't. He couldn't finish it 'cause of you and Ron 'fulfilling' your duties." Ginny said, glaring at her.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't know but Ginny it's still great at least you know now that he feels the same way about you." Hermione's said, smiling.

"Yeah but I want to hear him say it!" Ginny complained.

"Don't worry. If he was about it say it now, then he will say it soon."

"I hope so."

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