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Oliver just watched the island blow up and he is feeling at his lowest point in life. Then a blinding white light takes him, and he appears in a large room with chairs and a giant Screen at the front. Oliver is very confused when another white light appears and then goes away leaving Felicity, Diggle, Thea, Quintin, Curtis, Renee, Dinah, Slade, Malcom, Nyssa, Roy, Samantha, Walter, Lyla, Anatoly.

Oliver sees his team and is so happy to there alive. You guys are ok. I thought all of you were gone. No man right when the explosion happened there was a blinding white light and now we're here. Diggle tells Oliver.
Oliver where is my son! Samantha asks with her voice raised. Oliver looks around then back to Samantha. I don't know I was holding him and then I appeared here. Oliver says.
Roy? Thea asks shocked and happy.
Hey Thea, Roy says. Thea runs up to Roy and jumps in his arms and kisses him.

Then another White light appears and out comes Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Joe, Harry, Wally, Julian.

Barry! What did you do. Oliver yells. Nothing,  This wasn't me I swear. Barry says.

Another white light appears and out comes Kara, Alex, John, Winn, James, Lois, Clark.

Uhmmm what's going on? Kara asks. That's what we're trying to figure out Thea says.
Who are you guys Clark asks. Oh these are my friends from another earth I was telling you about, Kara tells team Supergirl. This is Barry Allen also known as the Flash and his team. And this is Oliver Queen also known as The Green Arrow and his team. Kara says.

Another white light appears and out comes Sara, Rip, Ray, Mick, Stein, Jax, Amaya, Nate.

Oh God the Music Meister, Rip says.
The who now? Kara asks. The Music Meister. He is a very powerful person and I've faced him before and that white light is to familiar not to remember. Rip says. So what does he want? Iris Asks. I don't know sometimes he's does good things but sometimes he does terrible things so until he tells us, I don't know. Rip says.

Then all of a sudden a voice come over the speakers and says That's right Rip, it is I The Music Meister. What do I want, you ask well ill tell you all that when the rest of our guests get here. What other guests? Oliver asks.

Another white light appears and out comes
Tommy, Moira, Robert, Laurel, Shado, Yao Fei, Henry, Nora, Eddie, Ronnie, Snart.

Everyone is Shocked to see all of the dead.
Dad? Mom? Oliver says shakily.
Oliver? Robert? Your alive? Moira asks? Yes mom I am. Oliver says and pulls his mom and dad into a hug.

Laurel? Quintin and Sara asks what's happening? I thought you were dead Laurel asks scared. Quintin and Sara didn't say anything and just hugged his daughters

Barry started crying when he saw his parents and ran up to them and gave them a hug.

Caitlin was hugging Ronnie.

Iris was hugging Eddie even though it was weird since she was with Barry.

Even Malcom Was hugging Tommy.

Oliver turned around and saw Shado. Shado? Oliver asks Shado turns around and sees him and asks who are you? What is going on? Shado asks.

Then Music Meister started talking again. Know that we got most of the group let me tell you what's going on. So I am here to show you some of Oliver's life and story since the yacht went down. So all of you are gonna sit down and watch some scenes about Oliver Queen. Some scenes will be Oliver at his lowest and some scenes will be Oliver at his highest. So most of you are confused about how all of the dead people are here well its complicated but just so you know they won't remember anything there being shown so don't be surprised when they ask questions.
Wait, so your gonna show everybody my life story? Oliver asks scared to death.
Yes Mr Queen but not all of it. Only some clips.
Why? They don't need to see this. Oliver says.
Well Mr Queen I think they do and it's gonna be interesting.
I also thought it would be interesting for your children to watch Mr Queen.
Wait what do you mean my Children?

Then a white light appears and out steps William and Mia.
(So when William and Mia get taken by the white light in the show that drops them off at the bunker in Season 8. That's the same white light but instead it brings them here.

Everyone is confused.
William sees his dad and mom and starts crying and walks over to them and hugs them.
Then Oliver realizes and says, William? Is that you?
Yes Dad its me. What's going on? Oliver didn't answer.
Mia is still standing there shocked and then sees her Dad and she chokes up on tear and says. Dad?
Uhmm no I don't think so. Oliver says confused.
Mom? Mia asks looking at Felicity.

The Music Meister comes back on the microphone and says Everyone this is Mia. Oliver and Felicity's child they have in 2018

Everyone is shocked to hear this news and Mia walks up to Oliver and Felicity and asks what's happening? Every one tells Mia and William what's going on and there very interested to know about Oliver's past. Oliver is pissed because he doesn't want them to see all this terrible stuff.

Music Meister comes back and says alright everyone get into your seats and get comfy your gonna be here a while. If anyone wants food or anything to drink there a table in the back with tons of it and the bathrooms are down the hall. BTW if you try to escape ill just bring you back. So let us begin and Mr. Queen I know your mad at me because you don't want anyone to see what happened to you, especially your kids, but be happy I didn't bring there younger versions. So have a nice time and good luck Mr Queen.

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