28. Relatioinship issues - Part 2

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Summary: Reena and Isolina want to explore the depths of their relationship, little did they know that they would have to overcome some obstacles in order to do so.

Hi guys!

Here is a new chapter. Lucky you, I just remembered that I had not finished publishing this here. And I finally have a little time to do so. There are two chapters left (three with this one), I think they'll be published within two weeks or so.

A few things before we start:

/!\ The chapter is rated M for security, even though I don't think it's that explicit. It's a heavy chapter: lots of emotions, bits of violence (not that much physical, though), and love and sweetness of course ;)

/!\ The chapter is very long! That's why it was a bit cut and next chapter takes place directly after this one. (And that's also why I'll try not to take too long to publish the next chapter.)

Now, have a good read! Enjoy!

"Hi, Asami!"

"Hi, Reena. She's in her room."

"OK, thanks!"

Reena was almost hopping while going to her girlfriend's bedroom. She walked past her mother who couldn't help but smile, as always.

Since Reena and Isolina had started dating, the young Airbender would often come to the mansion to join her beloved and spend time with her. She would spend the day there and leave in the evening, always full of enthusiasm and a smile on her face.

Isolina, on the other hand, expected to see her and greatly appreciated her visits. It was quite common to see a light smile discreetly lighting up her face because of a thought about her girlfriend. Her behavior, this behavior, was unlike anything Asami had ever seen concerning her daughter. And she was glad to see her finally wake up.

When she had been with the others, it always looked like those relationships ended as soon as they were out of sight. But Reena brought an unusual joy to the girl. She knew that this time, Isolina was very serious and that she could give her her uncovered heart. She also knew that Reena was serious, so she could only hope it would last.

Strangely, since she knew Reena so well, she didn't care at all about leaving her with her daughter, whether in her bedroom or elsewhere. It even appeased her somewhat. She trusted her and knew that Isolina was safe with her. So in short, she didn't meddle in their business.

Reena, for her part, had entered Isolina's room. She had slipped next to her on the bed, kissing her on the cheek. The blue-eyed girl smiled when she saw her.

"You okay?" she asked her.

"Always when I'm with you."

"Huh huh... Are you going to say romantic words to me all the time?"

"Only when they are true."

"You silly girl," she joked.

She kissed her very lightly.

"Will you allow me to finish my page?" she asked.

"Mmm... What are you reading?"

"Katara's biography."

"Why don't you ask Korra? Or Kya? Or Tenzin? It would be simpler, right?"

"She talks about healing processes a little more precisely in the biography. I'm more interested in her bending than in her privacy."

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