2. Evening and organization

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A/N: Summary: First evening together.

For a while, the two women left the little girl to her drawings. She was on a table, with her sheets of paper, her pencils and her purple stuffed bear, focused on her work of art. It was, apparently, some... fireworks? It was really colorful anyway.

Then, the three of them ate. The little girl was still really quiet, but Korra and Asami decided to let her talk whenever she wanted to, and, of course, if she didn't want to, it was okay too.

So, they were living in a calm silence, except when the two women talked. However, they were afraid of shutting her out by talking too much. They didn't want her to feel rejected: she had to feel comfortable.

The thing was, she was shutting herself out all by herself. So, they first thought they would leave her alone for some time. Meanwhile, they talked about some serious stuff:

"So... hum..." Korra started, "did you think about how we're going to take care of her? It's maybe just a few days, but we have busy days ahead of us..."

"I didn't," Asami admitted with aplomb.

"You didn't? Look at this, the legendary monster of planning and organization, Asami Sato, didn't plan anything!"

"It's not funny, Korra! I didn't think... She was just like a little, abandoned kitten; I could not possibly leave her like that. I know I put us in a difficult position, but..."

Korra put her hands on Asami's shoulders to interrupt her. The green eyes were caught by the solid and determined, blue ones.

"Okay, stop that," the Avatar ordered, firmly. "It's okay. I certainly would have done the same thing... Well, that's how I got Naga, except that she wasn't supposed to stay only for a few days, but more like... forever. I'm okay with the girl living with us, it's just that I don't know how we're going to manage it."

"She doesn't require much attention, I could take her at the office tomorrow. And maybe I can plan a few days off to take care of her..."

"You don't do that for me!" Korra pouted, jokingly.

"Well, every time I try, you're going away from me."

"True. But you can't most of the time."

"Also true."

"I'm tired," a little voice said from downward.

The two women almost jumped out of surprise. Once they noticed that it was only Isolina, they calmed down thinking they would have to get used to it.

Asami looked at the time: it was 9:13 p.m. A bit late for a young child. Realizing that, the CEO thought she would have to be more aware of what Isolina needed. She could not possibly live like two grown-up women. Asami might have to change her habits...

"Okay... Do you want to shower before going to bed?" she suggested. "I don't know how long you've been in the street..."

"Just one day," Isolina answered as if it were one of the most natural things in the world.

"Okay... I'll show you where it is, but... do you need me to wash you?"

"Asami, she's five. I don't think she needs you to help her..." Korra interrupted, exasperated.

"You needed me, and you were twenty-one," Asami responded maliciously, with a smirk.

"Hey!" the Avatar protested, about to express how unfair it was to use such an argument against her when she had no possibility to respond in front of the girl.

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