25. A New Life

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Summary: The investigation continues, Isolina grows up and keeps experiencing life.

After the meeting with Zaheer, investigations intensified. The Earth Republic was involved, as well as Republic City, the White Lotus, friends, acquaintances... Everyone tried to put an end to this terrible organization: the Black Lotus.

The more they looked into it, the more horrors they discovered. But at the same time they discovered this invisible network, old disused bases... All this was evidence of a complexity that only added to the difficulty of the task, almost requesting them to give up.

But they kept going and learned a little more about the organization's system. Only one law reigned: the chiefs' absolute despotism. They maintained a continuous submission on their subordinates by terror and threats. There was only one way to destroy the organization: to get rid of the leaders, Ba Tu and Hieu.

If some fanatics—or victims—perpetuated the actions of the organization, they would then take care of them: their power would certainly be much less. It would be attenuated by their psychological weakness due to such a hurt and submissive mind.

Many raids occurred. Korra always took part in them, even if she had to go to the other side of the world. Asami accompanied her from time to time, which depended on the complexity of the mission. If so, Isolina stayed with Reena, protected by the White Lotus. Unfortunately, most of the raids were unsuccessful and they had to start again: to start again to investigate, to interrogate, to travel the world, to fight...


"Isolina!" Reena shouted when she saw her friend show up.

Instantly, she threw herself on her. The blue-eyed girl hugged her. She said hello to Opal, who was approaching, while Reena greeted Asami who was with her.

"Well, shall I leave you?" the green-eyed woman said after a little conversation.

Isolina nodded. She kissed her one last time and left to play with Reena.

"I'm sorry to leave her with you that much currently," Asami sighed.

"Oh, you know she doesn't bother us," Opal said, dismissing the apology with a wave of hand.

"I know, I know, but even so... I would rather avoid it. It's just that we're so close to the goal right now..."

"Yes, we know it. And after that, there won't be this problem anymore. Or less."

"I hope so... If only it could end quickly. I feel like Isolina is a little annoyed by the situation... Fortunately Reena distracts her."

"You can count on her for that," the airbender chuckled.

"Well, I'm going anyway. The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll be back! Thanks again Opal!"

"No problem! See you in three days!"

Three days, yes... Three days away from her daughter, that you could add to the two days of the week before and the four days of two weeks before that... It was as if it wouldn't stop. But it would be over soon. Soon, they would put the organization where they wouldn't make any harm. The only thing that reassured her was that they were so busy escaping them that there had been no sign of life from them for several months. But they were going to bring them out of the shadows and throw them in jail for good, that was certain.

As usual, the two friends played, spent time with Reena's siblings, did their homework a little and then, after eating, it was time to go to bed.

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