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A/N: Hi, everyone!

Well, I have to admit, I hated this chapter when first I wrote it. So, when I corrected it, I changed too many things, and I had to use these two more days to update this version (since I correct the French version first). So, yeah, sorry! I hope it doesn't have too many "French ways of viewing things", or too many mistakes.

By the way, the fanfiction is rated T, and this chapter slips a little to M, but I'm not even sure :/ Well, just know there is nothing explicit, or too explicit, and that it's not long anyway. I just don't want people to be surprised in a bad way xD

Anyway, I let you enjoy this chapter!

Summary: A day at Republic City's zoo, and Asami and Korra need to clear up some things.

This morning, Isolina was the first one to get up. She didn't know if Korra and Asami were still asleep but she didn't want to disturb them.

Naga certainly sensed that the little girl was awake, because she woke up too, sitting straight and waiting for her to do something.

Isolina played with her a little, and petted her, for long minutes, letting some discreet chuckles escape her mouth.

But then she decided she needed to go to the bathroom. She got out of her room and Naga followed her the whole way.

Once she had done what she needed to be done, she wondered what she could or should do. After all, she didn't want to wake up the two sleeping women. However, Naga decided otherwise.

"Naga! Where are you going?" the blue-eyed girl whispered, as the polar-bear-dog was leaving.

The animal payed no attention to her and climbed up the stairs which went to the rooms.

"Wait, you can't go this way!" Isolina warned, following her.

Naga stopped at Korra and Asami's door, looking at the little girl, as if asking her the permission to go in.

"You'll wake them up, we can't go in."

But Naga was looking at her with her puppy eyes. Isolina bit her bottom lip. Was she supposed to let her in? Probably not.

However, she felt a bit lonely and she didn't know what to do alone in the mansion. Plus, Naga could certainly get in without her anyway: with her big paws and her weigh, she could undoubtedly kick down the door, and certainly a part of the wall. Which was far from being a good thing.

She didn't even know why Naga was asking her in the first place. Was she even asking? Maybe she was just saying: "I'm going to go; do you want to come?"

"Fine," Isolina said, with a bit of apprehension. "But just for looking, okay?"

She opened the door slowly, not making any noise, and Naga didn't even wait for it to be fully open before rushing inside, forcing entry into the room and pushing Isolina in the process. Immediately, Isolina felt regret spreading through her stomach.

Asami and Korra were both asleep in their bed, facing each other in their sleep. They were breathing slowly and at the same pace. On the red blanket that covered their bed, their hands were linked, their fingers interlaced. It looked like they had been talking before falling both asleep at the time, time stopping during their sleep.

"Naga, wait!" Isolina whispered, not wanting to interrupt this marvelous painting of the two women peacefully asleep.

But it was too late. The polar-bear-dog had already made her way to Korra's side, nuzzling her back. Her big, wet nose wandered on the Avatar's neck. Korra noticed it very soon, because she had already been awoken this way numerous times.

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