Quarter-life crisis

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Before long, it was approaching the Christmas break; merely a couple of weeks away, and even though classes had still been running, students were beginning to wind down, as if going into hibernation for the winter.

Snowball fights had been going non-stop outside a window near the library where I was sitting alone, people chattering about the Triwizard tournament a few bookshelves over, and a nice cup of tea warming in my hands. It was a calm Monday morning, and I'd been enjoying my free period by relaxing and reading one of the books Slughorn had kindly given me.

And yes, it was about 50 years out of date compared to the magical medicinal books in the library, but nonetheless an interesting read, one that highlighted my morning when I'd finished my homework over the weekend.

But something had been plaguing me lately- a memory of the previous night when I'd snuck out of the Slytherin common room to stalk Malfoy, who looked like he'd been up to something.

I'd followed him through the hallways of Hogwarts, dodging teachers and sidestepping statues, the self portraits looking at me with curiosity as I passed.

Before long, Draco had gotten to a section of the wall and just- disappeared. One minute he was there, the next minute-

I'd jumped out of my hiding spot and scanned the wall- but nothing, and it didn't look like he'd disappeared down any hallways either. Unless he'd noticed me and planned to ambush me. Before long, I left and went back to the dorms- I'd figure out how he went through a wall some other day.

" Miss Black?" Came a gruff voice from behind me, where I was sitting comfortably near the window in the library.

I snapped out of my daze and set my cup of tea down, turning to see a hobbling Mad eye Moody advance towards me. " Miss Black! Yer essay results"

My face reddened, noticing some seventh years looking at me strangely. " Uh, thanks sir. You could have given them to me next class?"

He looked flustered, taking a swig out of his flask, of which only I knew was poly juice potion. "got a little note in there for ye'. A request for yer father if ur know wha' I mean" he patted me on the shoulder while I looked with disgust down at my marked essay and an envelope somewhere in the middle.

"Thanks, sir"

"Not a problem, Miss Black. You've bin doin' very well in defence against the dark arts this year. Eh? Keep it up."

While he hobbled away out of sight, knocking over books and shouting at several students on the way out, I carefully opened the envelope that had been hastily shoved between the fourth and fifth pages of my essay assignment that was due the previous week. To my knowledge, no-one in the class had gotten their results back; I expected them later the following week. Perhaps some favoritism was occurring between two Death Eaters. Perhaps he thought giving me better marks would improve his standing on the school somehow. Maybe it would allow him to get on better terms with Severus, who could spike his Polyjuice potion at any moment in time and probably get away with it.

In the envelope was a hastily scrawled note; reading I need more; his hair is in the vial.
I tried not to gag in disgust at the small vial with 3 strands of hair inside that I found at the bottom of the envelope. Wondering where he was keeping the real Mad eye Moody, I tried to clear it of my mind, probably not the time to go into that dark spiral of wondering about death eaters and the Dark Lord.

At least, perhaps I'd enjoy my last few days reading a book and sipping tea, not going through that god-awful cruciatus curse for days on end until I went crazy, or worse. I sighed, the book and tea suddenly losing their appeal.

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