Chapter 3: Settling in

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Wednesday, December 4th, 2010, 11am

Dear diary,

We had arrived….

That’s all I managed to write, I couldn’t really put my emotions pen to paper right now, I was still feeling confused, I mean, two days ago I was in school, back in Montana and now I’m sat in my new home in north Carolina, just a bit strange…

Since everything happened I kept having weird dreams, I mean every time I fell asleep…I kept dreaming I was some kind of animal, running through a forest, I’d always be running in the same direction, to the same house where I’d find a girl, and the girl was me…I wasn’t going to get all worried about it though, it’s just a dream and I’ll get over it, hopefully.

Anyway back to the more exciting stuff..

The house was amazing, and it was pretty darn big. It was down a country lane, with miles of forest and greenery, it was Christmas soon so the weather was quite cold, luckily I had packed near enough all of my clothes! The house had 5 bedrooms meaning we got to pick what one we wanted seeing as there was only 3 of us… all the rooms were nice sizes but there was one that particularly stood out to me..

It had a massive window, with a massive ledge that you could sit on, I had wanted something like this ever since I was younger….this meant I could fill it up with cushions, so I could sit there and read… PERFECT I thought to myself, I think I was loving the move more than anyone.

“I CALL THIS ROOM” I shouted, so no one could claim it

“Sure honey, I’m having the master bedroom with the un-suite” I heard the cheer in my mum’s voice, as she called back to me, she’d always wanted a un-suite bedroom .

“Guess I’ll take this room then” I heard Tyler mutter, ever since we got here he was acting all moody, I guess school next week would put a smile on his face, he could meet his next group of victims, by that I meant girls.

It took a good day to unpack all of our stuff and make the house seem homely. We were still missing a great deal of our stuff like our flat screen, table and chairs, dishwasher, bedroom furniture etc..luckily the house was already furnished but we still wanted our stuff which apparently would be delivered in the next week or so.

We weren’t due to start our new school until Monday of next week, the federal agency had to pull a few strings to get us in the only school in town, yep that’s right there was only one school, meaning we lived in a rather small town where everyone knew everyone kinda thing,  so at the moment we were the talk of the town…

Oh yeah did I mention that we had to change our surname? Yep its now ‘McKinley and that wasn’t the only thing, if anyone asked why we moved to this town we had to say ‘our mother wanted a change’, great excuse ey!

I wanted to explore, the area surrounding our new home looked amazing and I just wanted to go for a walk and check it out… so I put on my coat, my welly boots and set off.

“Mom I’m going for a walk, I’ll be back in an hour or so” I called to my mum as she experimenting in the new kitchen

“Okay sweetie, take your cell and any problems call me, love you” she called back

“love you too” I called as I shut the front door, I was excited.

As soon as I got out the door the winter air hit me in the face, it was freezing, but it made a change to the warm weather back in Montana, I liked winter, it’s something we didn’t really get a chance to see where we used to live..

I set off on my walk down the long winding lane that led me to a road, I decided to cross the road and enter the forest.

It was beautiful, everything was so green and fresh. The sound of chirping birds and the scuttle of squirrels climbing up tree’s sounded so peaceful.

I walked for a good half an hour around the forest, admiring the wildlife and the different types of flowers I was surrounded by. 

It was beginning to get a wincey bit dark so I decided to make my way home…I heard leafs rustling, so I turned around to see what it was, but nothing was there..

“hmm must have been a rabbit or something” I murmured to myself…

I let that though pass from my mind and carried on walking, I heard the noise again but this time louder and it started to get closer, I shot my head round to see what was behind me… it was a boy..

well saying boy I meant about 18. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a grey hoddie underneath, his jeans were baggy, a bit faded and ripped…his hair was curly, but messily styled, his eyes where a deep green and his complexion was a bit darker than mine, he had a normal build but you could tell he worked out from time to time, I wasn’t going to lie but, he was very good looking.  I was liking what I saw, which was unusual for me, I never really looked at guys at my school, they were all the same, but he had a unique style which I liked..

“You’re probably wondering who I am, I’m Harley and you must be part of the new family, am I right?” he said throwing me a smile, wow.

“Indeed you are right, I’m Evie-may, but you can call m….” I got cut off already..

“Eve?” he replied, wow this guy was good

“..and right again” I laughed looking right into his deep green eyes

“ Yeah I usually am…..naa I’m only joking, I don’t want to give you the impression I’m a jerk, that thinks he right, because that definitely isn’t me” he said laughing “It’s getting a bit dark, want me to show you the way back?” he asked willingly

“ It’s okay, I’ll find my way” I replied smiling, I didn’t want to give him the impression I was some damsel in distress who couldn’t find her way back through the woods…

“If you’re sure that’s cool, I only live past the tree’s up there so, I guess I’ll see you around sometime…eve” he said looking up at me when he said my name, he was gorgeous, but I wasn’t going to start getting myself involved with boys just yet, plus he probably already has every girl in town falling at his feet and I certainly wasn’t going to be one of them…

“ okay, see you around” I replied and set off back into the forest…

I probably should have gone up on his offer of showing me back to my house because it took me about an hour to get back!

By the time I got home I could already smell all the food my mother had been busy making, glad I worked up an appetite then, because she had made enough o feed the 5’000!

After dinner I decided to take bath, a nice relaxing bubble bath that I could soak in for at least an hour. I hadn’t had a proper bath since the weekend, it was make do with quick showers which I hated, baths were always best for just relaxing and thinking things over, which I needed right now.

I laid in the bath thinking about what had happened in the woods, strangely enough I couldn’t stop thinking about him, I didn’t even know him? It was probably because I liked his style and he was most likely the only boy who had approached me without making some cheesy joke that involved me having sex with them.

When I had gotten out the bath it was about 9.30 so I decided to let my hair dry naturally and then sat on my window ledge, and started reading…my bedroom over looked the other side of our house which I had yet to explore, it was more or less forest. I read for a about an hour and decided it was time to go sleep, as I got up something caught my eye outside the window, I looked harder… it was a an animal, but I couldn’t quite make it out, it kind of looked like a wolf. I ran looked again to find whatever it was had gone, must have been my imagination.

“Night mum” I called down the stairs, she was still busy making the house look all nice, she was probably going to stay up all night!

“ Night eve, see you in the morning, love you” she called back

I got into bed and let my head sink firmly into my pillow, I wonder what I’ll dream of tonight…

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