Episode 46

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Royal Capital University is an inclusive and extremely diversified institution of higher learning. It not only provides opportunities and places for alpha and beta to study and study, but also offers many majors for omega to choose from, which is different from other universities for omega. With the limitation of choosing majors, Imperial University gives omega more freedom. Except for gardening, painting, flower arrangement and other majors that do not require omega, as long as omega has enough knowledge or ability, it can be transferred to its favorite. Professional.

It just so happens that the major of ancient Chinese is such a major that requires sufficient knowledge to transfer into.

Suning filled out the application form and handed it to the teacher in charge of transferring students to majors

Ancient Chinese is the major she wanted to transfer to before, and next to the Ancient Chinese Teaching Building is the research institute where Eli is located, plus now I need a reason to approach him again...

Suning confidently took the transfer exam.

"Not bad." The teacher holding her transcript smiled and said: "It has been a long time since an omega has achieved such a good result!"

"Congratulations, you scored 60 points in the exam, and you happened to be able to enter our major!"

60 points? ? ?

Suning was stunned. She thought that those simple words would be full marks!

"Teacher, can I take a look at the test paper?"

The teacher nodded, and handed her the test paper: "Your foundation is very good, but you don't know some rare words, but don't worry, you will know more ancient characters in our major..."

Looking at the questions that were answered incorrectly on the test paper, Suning had no choice but to help her forehead. That's right, this is a place where the word'crystal' can be recognized for three days. How could it be possible to get a full score!


The photos of Suning on Starnet were cleaned up overnight.

Eli left one, staring at the bite marks on her neck in the photo, and took out the communicator to send a video call invitation to Robert who had always wanted to contact him.

Looking at the sloppy appearance of the blond man in the white protective suit who appeared opposite, Eli said directly, "Robert, I approved your research project. Go ahead."

The blond man laughed and said, "Who told you to change your mind?" He said, "rubbed" his hair and said, "Well, it doesn't matter."

"Without your approval, am I continuing to carry out research projects?"

Eli passed him a document and said lightly: "This is a contract document. As long as you agree, I will provide you with the most advanced equipment, the most generous project funds, and the best assistants. Tell me about the progress and results of the research..."


When Eli walked out of the academy, he saw a girl in white standing under the green "color" tree in the ancient Chinese teaching building next door. It was the person he had been thinking of for a few days. She held a thin book in her hand. She was looking at the book intently, her lips were opened and he should be reading something silently, she closed the page and closed her eyes and began to recite, but she was squatting panning. When she couldn’t remember, she frowned slightly and patted annoyedly. Own forehead.

Eli stepped forward and stopped behind her lightly. When he smelled the pheromone that belonged to another alpha from her, his eyes became cold for a moment, and then returned to nature again.

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