Part 14

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"We got 'em!" Nat exclaimed in your living room, Bucky down the hall in the bathroom. She wasn't very loud, afraid that Bucky would be able to hear her, but loud enough for Hope and Sam to hear from the kitchen.

The two make their way to Nat, looking over her shoulder to see a text from Tony:

Tony: Rhodey caught sight of them. Located at a safe house in Monterey. Make sure Barnes doesn't catch wind of this.

"Monterey," snorted Hope, "Surprised they didn't go out of state."

"Which is good for us," Nat stated.

Sam nodded, "These guys thought they finished the job, so they're not travelling far. Use one of Stark's jets and we'll be there in no time."

As the three of them discussed, their game plan, Bucky was quickly texting a consultant of Tony's. The team might've been quiet, but Bucky has exceptional hearing.

Bucky: I need you to hack into Nat's phone.

Vision: Does Ms. Romanoff know you want to hack into her phone?

Bucky: I wouldn't be contacting you if she knew, Vis. They're hiding important information from me and I need to know ASAP. Send me all of her messages that she's received within the last thirty minutes.

Vision: Very well, but I expect payment.

Bucky: Is Wanda's phone number sufficient enough?

Vision: Yes.

Bucky let out a breath of relief and proceeded to message Vision additional instructions. He then ran his hands through his hair and let out a deep breath. This was it. He was finally going to get the guys that hurt him and you. You're going to be avenged.

He stepped out of the bathroom, feigning innocence. His brows furrowed in confusion when he saw his three teammates heading for the door, "What's going on?"

"Tony wants to talk to us. We'll just be going over more strategies how to catch Rawlins and Pierce," Hope said confidently, her face appearing plain and neutral.

Bucky's shoulders sagged, "Oh, uh, okay."

"You'll be okay, right?" Sam asked, he was always one to be concerned for Bucky, despite their constant bickering.

He nodded, "Yeah. I'll just be watching Netflix or something. Keep me updated." he watched as they all gave him a nod and proceeded to walk out your door. As soon as he was sure that they were a good distance away, he bolted to his room, dressing in his gear. It was go time.


After receiving a stream of Nat's incoming texts, Bucky was off driving towards Monterey. He's so grateful that he decided to bring a bike with him. As he's racing his way against his team, his mind goes back to when he showed you his bike.

"Wow. That's a very beautiful bike, Bucky." you whistled, overlooking the motorcycle.

He straddled the seat, "Yeah, she is. Want a ride?"

You snort, "Hell no! Motorcycle accidents are more prevalent than car accidents."

Bucky chuckled, "Come on, sweetheart. I promised I'd protect ya, so that means you'll be safe with me on the bike."

You crossed your arms over your chest and shook your head, "Not gonna happen, Barnes."

He licked his lips and shook his head, "You're such a scaredy cat."

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