Part 11

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Bucky nervously makes his way to your room. He hears you singing some song behind the doors and a smile makes its way to his face. He shakes his head and find the courage to knock on your door.

When you open it, you look at him curiously, "Yeah, Bucky?" he smiles when you say his name, he's found so much comfort in it.

"I, uh, I got you something," he hands you a small box.

"If it's a ring, I'm sadly going to have to decline your proposal." you say teasingly.

He chuckles, "It's not. I promise."

You flip it open and gasp as the inch sized star hanging from a gold chain, "Wh-"

"It's an apology gift, for being such a dick to you and for pushing this fake relationship thing on you. I understand now how frustrating and exhausting all of this could be. So maybe this could be settled as a truce?"

You nod, "Truce, and I'm sorry too about being such a whiny bitch all the time."

"Apology accepted."

"Can you-Will you help put it on me?" you ask him hesitantly.

He gulps and musters out a, "Sure." you pluck the necklace out from the box, setting it onto your dresser. You hand the jewelry to Bucky then turn around. He gently places is around your neck, his fingers barely grazing upon the back of your neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

You turn back around, glancing at the pendant, your fingers stroking the metal, "Thank you, Bucky. But why a star?"

He playfully rolls his eyes, "C'mon, Y/N, it's 'cause you're a celebrity. A movie star, duuuh."

You both laugh at the simplistic symbolism of the gift, not knowing that there was a higher purpose for it.



You wake up with your head pounding. You try to move your arm to feel your head but it's bound to a chair. You look down to see that your entire body is bound to a metal chair. You look up and you see Alexander Pierce and William Rawlins standing before you.

"Shit," you mumble.

Rawlins smirks, "You really thought you could disappear on us, sweetheart?" he chuckles, "I gotta say, choosing to be a movie star wasn't the best way to do it."

"What do you want? Did you really spend all these years looking for me just because of the stupid shit my dad pulled? You're still here so that means that everything I've told the cops back then hasn't helped take you down. Why can't you just leave me alone?!"

Pierce steps forward, his hands in his pockets, "It's the principle of the thing, darling. You've seen too much, you ratted us out. We have to get rid of you. But-" he whistles and in comes Brock, rolling a bruised and bloodied Bucky tied up in a chair, "not before you watch your ex-boyfriend torture and kill your new boyfriend."

You wriggled in your confines, eyes set on Bucky, "Don't hurt him! He doesn't have anything to do with this!"

"That's where you're wrong, Y/N." Rawlins pointed a finger at Bucky, "If it wasn't for him, you'd be dead in a river somewhere already! But he just had to get into your head, make you feel things. He's ruined our plans time and time again, so he's gonna pay. Both of you are." he nodded to Brock who smirked as he pulled a knife from his pocket.

"Watch nice and closely, baby girl, as I gut your boyfriend like a fucking fish."

"Brock, please! Don't!" you cry out and scream out Bucky's name as you watch Brock's knife lodge itself into Bucky's stomach three times. You can see Bucky fading. His eyes were droopy, a hazy look on them.

"Y-Y/N," he mumbled, his head nodding to the side.

"Bucky! Please! Stay with me! Ple-" SMACK! Pierce's hand met your cheek, the sound echoing through the warehouse.

"You've always been a nuisance to us, young lady. Now, we finally get to deal with you the right way. Rumlow." Pierce and Rawlins back away to Brock could take the stage.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll make sure you and your Bucky die with matching wounds."

One. Two. Three, stabs later and you're wincing in pain, trying to hold on for dear life as your blood starts to pour out.

"Let them die together. A real Romeo and Juliet story." Rawlins orders Brock to cut both of you loose, you wouldn't be able to go anywhere due to both of your injuries.

He does as he's told and then rolls Bucky over to you, his body collapsing out of the chair and into your lap, "Y/N," he slowly moves his hands to cover your wounds, you doing the same to him.

"I'm so sorry, Bucky," you cry through the pain.

He slowly shakes his head, "I failed you. I'm sorry." he allows himself to finally feel what he's been feeling for you for so long. And it's the wrong time, but he doesn't have anymore time, "I love you and I failed you."

"It's my fault. It's all my fault," you cry, holding onto Bucky and to life as much as you can.

Bucky's eye catches the glint of metal around your neck. He suddenly feels hopeful, "Y/N, your necklace."


"Give it to me. Now!"

With shaky, bloody hands, you unclasp the necklace from your neck and hand it to Bucky. You watch as his own bloody fingers snap off the top of it to reveal a chip inside, "A tracker." he presses a tiny button and red light appears. A weak smile appears on his face, "There." he feels himself fading a lot quicker now.

He falls onto the floor and you follow him, trying to ignore the pain in your gut, "Bucky! No, no! Stay with me!"

"It's okay, Y/N. They'll find you and you'll be okay. I promise."

Your hands wrap around Bucky's, "We're both going to be okay, Bucky! Just stay with me!"

"I love you, Y/N. I'm sorry."

"I love you too, but please, Bucky!" you watch as his eyes flutter close and his chest gives out one last breath, "Bucky? Bucky! BUCKY!"

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