Part 7

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You and Rumlow had been dating for 3 months now. From your first initial encounter with him, you just felt something funny around him. Assuming it was that you liked him, you proceeded to give him a chance when he asked you out.

Bucky had kept a close eye on him, of course. Every time he leaned towards you or his fingers grazed yours, Bucky just wanted to get up and punch him the face. He didn't know why, but he did. Now, every date he accompanied you guys on, he became more and more annoyed with Rumlow. He hated how he made you laugh. He hated how big your smile got when you talked to him. He hated how he wished that was him. Wait. What?

"Shit," Bucky mumbled to himself.

"You okay, man?" Sam asked through the comms.

"'M fine," Bucky gritted out in reply.

"You sure?" Hope asked, with a tone of amusement.

"Just in a poor mood," he mumbled back.

"Does it have to do with the fact that you look like you wanna rip Brock's arms out of his sockets?" Nat asked, a hint of amusement in her voice as well.

Bucky glared across the restaurant, eyes locking with his colleague, "Drop it, Nat."

She smirked, mumbling under her breath, "I'm just sayin' every time you hear her laugh, you smile and then when you hear Brock laugh, you immediately frown and glare at the guy."

"What're you implying, Romanoff?" Bucky sneered.

"Y/N and Bucky sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Hope and Sam sang through the comms with laughter, Nat bit her lip, eyes still watching Bucky.

He found himself growing even more annoyed and agitated, "Enough. All of you!" he hissed, "You shouldn't be paying attention to me! You should be watching, Y/N!"

"Man, she's fine! She's got a man to worry about her now!"

"We still need to protect her. The suspect is still out there. He could be watching her now for all we know!"


Rumlow was watching you. Watching how your fingers were playing with the napkin, how your nose scrunched up as you told a funny story. But he wouldn't really know if it was funny. He wasn't paying attention. He was taking note of all your tics and mannerisms.

For the past three months, Rumlow has been gathering information on you. Asking you about your family, which you've said you didn't have and your past. He asked about how you became an actress, hoping you'd tell him the story, the real story, but you kept with the common knowledge retelling. One he already knew was a lie, due to the information given to him by his employers.

You were open about pretty much everything else except your life before you got into acting. It was frustrating him to no end because this isn't what his employers were paying him for. They wanted to know if she had any weaknesses, besides your manager. But no one, really. It's like you didn't keep people close. Smart. But then again...he has noticed that you'd taken a liking to your bodyguard. Not like you'd admit it, but Rumlow could tell. He was trained to read people and he could definitely see something brewing between the two of you. But you were both were fighting it. about we bring it into the spotlight, shall we?


"You're not going," Bucky said with finality.

You groaned and hung yourself off Bucky's arm, "Buck, come oooon! My boyfriend wants me to meet his family! That's a big deal! I wanna make a good impression with them! I already said yes anyway! If I back out now, they might think I'm rude and tell Brock to break up with me."

He shrugged, "Maybe it's for the best."

You looked at him in disbelief, "What the hell, man! Ever since I started dating Brock you turned into a giant dick again after you said you'd try to be friends with me!"

"And as your friend, I'm saying that I don't like Rumlow. There's something not right about him!"

"And time and time again, I've told you nothing's up! You and your team have dug deep and found nothing! Nothing, Bucky! Just please, let me take some control of my life back! You guys have been doing this for months now! Aren't you tired? Me going away this weekend allows you guys as well as myself to have a break. Just have a break, Bucky. Enjoy yourself while you're not worrying about me."

"I always worry about you. I-You're my friend now, not just some job. I always want you to be safe," his eyes and words contained with much genuinity. You just didn't know how deep they ran.

You leaned in and kissed his cheek, "Thank you, Bucky, but I'll be fine. I promise."


You're long gone in your slumber, something that Bucky's envious about. While Nat holds the fort down at your place, he's strolling through the quieter streets of San Francisco. Occasionally he'd come across a homeless person or a prostitute, but other than that, he wasn't bothered by anything or anyone.

He was turning a corner when he heard the familiar voice of your..boyfriend.

"Don't worry, sir. It's all set into motion. I told her we'll be going away for the weekend so she could meet my family. She's convinced Barnes and his crew to stay back. Once we're in the clear, I'll bring her straight to you guys and bye, bye Miss Wanna Be Big Star," Rumlow said with a sadistic chuckle, one that made Bucky's blood run cold.

As silently as he came, he walked back down the street he came from, practically running back to your house.

You weren't safe with Rumlow. You were never safe with Rumlow. And Bucky hates himself that he allowed you to be in the presence of a cold blooded murderer.

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