Part 9

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As you got ready to meet with Brock, you took the time to reflect. Despite you telling Bucky that you loved Brock, it felt wrong to say such a thing. You had strong feelings for him, but love? You don't know why you said you loved Brock. Maybe you felt the need to prove you had good judgement to Bucky? Or were you trying to prove to yourself that any inkling of feelings for Bucky no longer existed.

But aside of all this emotional drama, this was your life that was at stake.

You could see in Bucky's eyes, his genuine fear and concern was written all over his face. If you didn't believe him and you ended up going on this weekend trip with Brock, there's a chance you could never come back. There's a chance that you could die. Did you really want to risk this? Risk your life?

No. Feelings or not, you very much want to stay alive. If Bucky was right about this and they catch Brock and whoever he may be working with, you live. And that's all that really matters. Fuck your feelings right now. You just want to stay alive.

As soon as you sat down at the cafe, Brock tossed a tabloid onto the table, a picture of you and Bucky staring back at you, "What the Hell is this?"

You bit your lip hesitantly. Your eyes roaming around the cafe, desperate to look at anything or anyone than Brock. For a moment, your eyes catch Hope's. She gives you a nod, a silent encouragement that you could do this.

You sighed, "Something happened. I-" You can do this, Y/N, "Ever since Bucky and his team came to protect me after my attack, I felt a bit lost. Bucky, well, despite him being a pain in the ass, he helped me. He provided support and friendship and a distraction. We got close and, well, he confessed that he had feelings for me."

"So what, you cheat on me?" Brock's face expressed a mixture of hurt and anger. Boy, he's good.

"I'm sorry, Brock. I like you, I do, but...I also like Bucky. There's just something about him, I don't know what. I mean, I wanna punch him in the face because he can be such a total dick sometimes, but he also makes me laugh. He comforts me, he listens to me. He's different."

Brock scoffs, "So that's it? You're gonna pull a Whitney Houston and fall in love with your bodyguard? Y/N, what about my family? They were so excited to meet you this weekend!"

You shook your head, looking down at your lap. Your hands were shaking, "I-I'm sorry, Brock."

Brock glared at you, immediately standing up from his chair and pointing a stern finger at you, "I'm going to destroy you, Y/N L/N." without another word, he stormed out of the cafe. You could feel everyone's eyes on you. Your body felt heavy, you suddenly were having trouble breathing.

You needed to get out of there.

Seeing your distress, Hope hurried over to your side, helping you stand, "C'mon, Y/N, let's go home," and guided you out of the cafe.


You were still having an anxiety attack when you arrived back home. Seeing Hope assist you inside, Bucky ran over to you, "What is it? What's wrong?"

Hope led you to the couch as she said, "Panic attack."

You lowered yourself to the couch, breathing heavy, panting, as silent tears fell from your eyes and down your cheeks. Bucky gently cupped your face, "Y/N, look at me," he said softly. Blue eyes captured y/e/c eyes, "Good. Now, follow my breathing, okay? In, one, two three. Out, one, two, three. In, one, two three. Out, one, two, three. Can you do that?"

You nodded and followed breathing pattern, breathe in, one, two, three. Breathe out, one, two, three."

"Good, sweetheart. Keep going." and you did, eyes staring back at Bucky's as you began to control your breathing again, the panting eventually fading back to your regular breathing after a few minutes.

"Th-Thanks," you mumbled.

He wiped your tears away, thumbs softly stroking your cheeks as he whispered, "You're welcome." he then stood up to give you space. He looked towards Hope, "What happened?"

She sighed, "He didn't take it very well. Told her he was going to destroy her and marched outta there.Y/N did really well though. She was just probably shaken up by the entire thing."

You looked up at Bucky, "Now what happens?"

He let out a deep breath and then ran a hand through his hair. You realized he does that when he's often frustrated, "Now, we play the part. I still go wherever you go, but now we act like the couple everyone thinks we are."

You looked down at your lap, concern written all over your face. You were really scared. The whole thing with Brock could ruin your reputation. Your name is going to be dragged through the mud when word gets out that you supposedly cheated on Brock. But you supposed that was better than dying, right?


When Steve told you he got you a last minute interview on the James Corden show, you were beyond thrilled. You needed something like this to really distract you from all this mayhem. You will be replacing Maisie Williams, whom was also supposed to play Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts with James. Looks like you're replacing her in that as well.

You sat in the green room watching on the screen James interview David Tennant for his role in the Good Omens show. However, you weren't really paying attention to what was going on. You were beyond nervous. This was your first time on the show. You always admired James and his talent. You also loved the show, so if you messed up or something went wrong, there might be a chance that you'd never be able to appear there ever again. You didn't want that.

Bucky, noticing you bouncing your leg and biting your lip sat beside you on the couch, "Hey," he place his hand on you bouncing knee and as soon as he made contact, the bouncing stopped. You looked up at him and he softly smiled at you, "You're gonna do great out there."

"I just...I don't wanna make a fool out of myself."

He shook his head, "You won't. But if you do, people will probably think you're quirky and adorable."

You scoffed, "No one will think that, Bucky."

He shrugged, "I do."

You could see the softness in his eyes. The softness that you've been seeing for months now. It wasn't there when he first started this job. But now...

There was a knock at the door and one of the assistant producer's opened it, smiling at you, "Hi, Y/N, you're going on in five, so please follow me."

You groaned, looking at Bucky with wide eyes, "Oh God. What if I-"

He immediately shook his head, "You won't mess up. You're going to be amazing and you're gonna knock 'em dead. I believe in you, Y/N. You got this."

You nodded, looking a little more relaxed, "Yeah. Okay. Thanks. I got this. I got this."

"And if you feel anxious, just look my way, alright? I'll be sitting in the audience watching you."

"A-Alright. Thanks, Bucky."

"Anything for you, sweetheart." you both then exited the green room, following the assistant producer. It's showtime!

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