Part 5

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Bucky watched as a man began to approach you. He looked like one of the security detail of the event. He kept his eyes on him as he began to draw closer. His hand started to move towards his waistband and all Bucky saw were red flags.

"Y/N, LOOK OUT!" Bucky yelled as he tackled the man, causing everyone to jump back with a gasp. He held the man in a chokehold, "Who sent you?!"

"I-I'm-" the man couldn't get a word out due to the pressure around his neck.

"Bucky, let go of him!!" you screamed, kicking at your bodyguard.

"He was going to attack you, Y/N! I told you it wasn't safe to come here!"

"What the hell is going on?!" Billy Russo charged towards Bucky and the man he held in a chokehold, "Barnes, let go of my employee now before I shoot you!"

"You know him?"

Billy scoffed, "Yes! And he's a friend so let go of him right now," he sneered and Bucky immediately let go. Billy helped the man up and asked, "What happened, Brock?"

Brock rubbed his hand over his neck, gasping for air, "I was just gonna ask Miss L/N for a picture like I told you. As soon as I was reaching for my phone, this guy just attacked me!" he gestures to Bucky, who continued to glared at Billy and Brock.

You shook your head and rushed over to the Brock, "I am so sorry about him. He's a little on edge for some reason."

Billy snorted, "Barnes is always on edge, miss. I've seen first hand experience with that." he shoots a glare at Bucky who moves forward, but you stop him.

"That may be, but his actions are inexcusable." you turned to Brock, "I really am sorry for him."

Brock softly smiled at you, "Well, I suppose now would be a bad time to ask for a picture? I'm a fan of your work."

You chuckled, "I'll do you one better. We can take a picture after I get you a drink of water and put some ice on your neck. It already looks like it's gonna bruise."

He nodded, "Well, hey. I can't say no to that." he smiles and allows you to put your hand in his as you begin to walk away.

Bucky takes a step to follow you, but you sneered at him, "Don't you dare. You've already done enough. Take some time to cool down." you glanced at Billy, "You said he's one of your guys. You trust him?"

"Of course," Billy replied.

"Then I'll be safe for ten minutes without you, Barnes." you then drag Brock away, passed the crowd that formed around you and the scene.

"Will he press charges?" Bucky asked lowly and concerningly.

Billy shrugged, "Probably not. Brock's tough as shit. Takes a lot to make him wanna head that route. You just caught him by surprise. Word of advice, Barnes: loosen up."


You thanked the server who got you a towel, cup of ice, and water. You put the ice into the towel, wrapping it and setting it on the reddest part of Brock's neck. You then handed him the cup of water and he gulped that thing immediately.

"So, that guy your bodyguard?"

You sighed, "Unfortunately. He's tightly wound and I hate it. Also very confusing."

"How so?"

"There was one night where he helped me with my nightmares. I was attacked-"

"At the Film Festival. Yeah. I saw. That must've been so scary for you."

You nodded, "Scary enough to produce nightmares, yeah. But anyway, Bucky...he helped me that night. He was soft and kind and the next day, he ended up being such a dick to me. Has been since."

Brock snorted, "Sounds like he needs to get laid."

You laughed, "Probably. All he cares about is work and making sure everything is safe for me. I mean, I get it and I appreciate what him and his team are doing for me. But I just wish he'd lighten up a bit, ya know?" you removed the ice from his neck, looking at the red skin.

"So, doc, what's my diagnosis?"

You giggled as you set the ice pack down, "You'll live."

"Great...since I'll be able to see another day. Think you'd like to go on a date sometime?"

"Have a fantasy of dating an actress?"

Brock chuckled and shook his head, "Nothin' like that. I'm not some stalker fanboy if you're wondering. I're beautiful and you've got quite the character and attitude. I'd just," he takes your hand and laces his fingers with yours, "-I'd like to get to know you more."

You grinned up at him. You looked at Brock and noticed that he was considerably older than you, maybe around Bucky's age? But he was handsome. He seemed a little rough around the edges and there was just something about him that made you feel something.

"Yeah. I'd like that, but my security detail might not. They do background checks on everyone I know and speak to."

Brock shrugged, "That's fine. I'm clean. Got nothin' to hide."

You and Brock proceeded to exchange numbers along with a promise of going out soon. You'd send him your schedule and see what you could do. You walked back to Bucky with a smile on your face.

He glared at you, "You were gone for fifteen-"

You rolled your eyes, "Oh shut up, Barnes. The guy was harmless! I'm fine! See?" you gestured to your perfectly fine body, "Anyway, I wanna leave now. Your theatrics were too much for me and I'm tired."

"Fine," he gritted out and followed you towards the exit where Sam and Hope met you.


When the night was over and he said his good-bye to Billy, Brock got into his car and immediately phoned his bosses.


"I got an in," he said.

"Good. Keep us updated."

"Will do," and he ended the call. There were some set backs, but now things were starting to look up for these men.

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