Part 10

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"Our next guess has become quite the talk ever since she starred in her movie "Damaged". This is her first time here so she might be a bit nervous, but ladies and gentlemen, let's all give a big warm welcome to Y/N L/N!!" James Corden announced and you waltzed onstage waving at the audience as you approached James. You quickly scanned the production crew and saw Bucky standing next to one of the producers. He was looking your way and giving you a thumbs up.

You gave him a quick nod and then smiled at James, "Hi!" you said excitedly as you hugged him, then proceeded to sit down.

"Hello! Y/N, it's so nice to meet you!"

"Thank you! It's so nice to meet you too!"

"How're you feeling?"

You scrunched up your face in hesitation, a face that amused the audience and made them laugh, "Nervous. This is my first time being on a late night television show! And I love your show, don't get me wrong, Fallon, Kimmel, and all of those guys are great, but, I love the games and segments you do on this show." you smiled wide.

James held his hand to his chest, "Thank you so much! That's so sweet of you. So, let's get down to business, you are starring in this movie called Damaged," he pulls out a small poster of the movie, your face on it.

You nodded, "Yes. Yes, I am."

"Tell us about it."

You gave a deep breath and glanced Bucky's way. He gave you a wink and mouthed, "You're doing great."

You bit your lip and then proceeded to explain the movie, "Well, It's a romantic comedy of sorts. My character, Eva, thinks she'll never find love despite there being many opportunities in front of her. And then she meets this guy named Bucky, I mean, Beckham, and he challenges her. She's got her own issues and he does too and they're constantly butting heads, but the whole point of the movie is that despite your faults and your insecurities, despite being, ya know, damaged," you used air quotes for the word, "someone can and will love you."

"Wow. That sounds amazing! And when does this movie officially come out?"

"It comes out July sixth! "

"Well, I can't wait to see it. Here's a sneak peek at Y/N's movie Damaged!"


After the interview portion was over, there was a commercial break. You and James moved over to the Spill Your Guts and Fill Your Guts table, Bucky walking over to you with a smirk on his face.

"Well, all this looks delicious!" he said excitedly with a sarcastic tone.

You groaned and leaned your head into his chest, "Just looking at this stuff makes me wanna vomit!"

"Can't wait to see that. By the way, don't act like I didn't catch your slip up."

You scoffed, "Don't flatter yourself too much, Barnes. I just saw you and your name came into mind instead of the character!"

He smirked at you, "Sure, sweetheart, sure."

"Alright. We'll be starting soon, Y/N." James said excitedly, "This is gonna be fun. I promise."

You sat down in the chair across from him, "We'll see, James, we'll see."

One of the producers counted down from five and then gave James a thumbs up, to which he then spoke up, "Welcome back everyone! I am joined with the lovely Y/N and we are going to play a rousing game of Spill Your Guts and Fill Your Guts!" the audience cheers and claps. When they fade, James proceeds to explain the game, "So, for those of you who don't know how the game works, Y/N and I each have a set of cards that contain questions that we'll ask each other. If the person can't answer the question, they have to eat one of the gross selections the person picks for them. If they can answer it, then their stomachs will be very grateful for that!" you as well as the audience chuckles.

James looks up at you, "So, Y/N, how do you feel about this?"

"Ooohhh I'm not liking this already just by looking at these selections."

"Well why don't we get a look at them. Alright. So we have a cow's blood cocktail, beetle nachos, thousand year old egg, bird saliva, goat testicles, fish smoothie, and ants on a log with actual ants on them."

You shook your head, "Nope. Nope. Nope."

James let out a sinister laugh, "You'll enjoy this, Y/N, I promise. And hey, since you're my guest, you can go first."

You nod your head, "Alright. Since I saw your face with the cow blood cocktail, we'll go with that first!" you spin the lazy susan his way so that the cow's blood cocktail is right in front of him. You could see him shaking his head and you giggle to yourself as you pick up the first card, silently reading this to yourself then laughed, "Oh wow! Okay, James, out of all the guests you've had for Carpool Karaoke, who was your least favorite?"

"Oooouuuuu!" the crowd is filled with murmurs.

"Oh come on!" James yells.

He takes a deep breath and grabs the glass. Some of the audience and you are screaming, "No! James, don't! Just answer-AAAHH!!" you scream as he takes a sip from the cup and immediately spits it out into the bucket beside him. Grabbing a glass of water and swishing the water in his mouth and spitting it out.

"That was horrid! Ugh!" he then looks at the layout and spins it so that the ants on a log are facing you, "Just for that, you get this these ants!" he smirks and grabs his question card, "Oh man. This...This is juicy."

"Just say it, James!" you cry out.

"Y/N, did you really cheat on Brock Rumlow with your current bodyguard or is it all a publicity stunt?"

Your eyes go wide and you immediately look at Bucky who's pointing your way mouthing out, "Eat it!"

You groan as you grab a piece of celery with peanut butter and ants on top. You pout as you bite into it, quickly chewing through it and swallowing it. You throw your hands in the air victoriously, "I did it! Also, you can't even taste the ants since the peanut butter is so thick."


After the game was over, the show was pretty much over. You thanked James and his crew for allowing you on the show. You took some pictures with him and then you and Bucky were on your way back to the airport to go home.

Bucky's arm was around you as you two walked out of the building paparazzi yelling at you two and taking pictures. Bucky guided you into the car and slammed the door behind him.

"You did great, Y/N. Other than your little slip up, I think they loved you."

You shied away at Bucky's compliment, "Thanks, Buck. It really did help knowing you were there. You made me feel a lot better."

You looked at him, your eyes staring into his. They darted to his lips and back to his eyes. You felt yourself leaning closer to him and him leaning towards you. Your lips were just about to touch when you fell forward from a car hitting yours from behind. Why didn't you put on your seatbelt?

"Are you okay?" Bucky asked concerningly.

You nodded, "Yeah. How 'bout-" yours and Bucky's door swung open and a pair of arms grabbed you, dragging you out of your car, "HEY! LET ME GO!"

"Y/N!" Bucky cried out and tried to grab for you, but someone else had grabbed him from behind and dragged him out of the car.

"BUCKY!" you yelled out, your voice filled with so much fear.

Bucky threw his head back into whoever was holding them, making that person stumble back. Bucky kicked and punched as many people who came his way, trying to get to you as the person holding you threw you into a black van.

He twisted some guy's arm, making him drop his gun. When Bucky went to grab it, someone hit the back of his head knocking him out. The last thing he heard was your scream and someone saying "We're bringing him with us."

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