Episode 6: Kevin 11

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Word Count: 5488

"Wow...this hotel has everything," Gwen gasps, I look over her shoulder as she reads the pamphlet "Indoor pool, full day spa!" "Now don't get used to it. It's only for one night." Max states. Ben lets out a bored yawn and I look around.

I gasp and grabs Ben's shirt excitedly, he turns to me "What?" He asks "Look!" I whisper. He eyes lit of with excitement at the sight of the Sumo Slammers sign. Ben grins and grabs my hand before pulling me towards the room "The new Sumo Slammer video game is in there!" Ben says excitedly. A guard stops us from going in, I glare at him.


Ben and I share a glance "We left it inside." I say with an innocent smile. Ben nods "We're game pros testing out the system." He states "VIPs only." The guard says firmly. Our shoulders slouch and we walk away.

"Ooh! Let's sneak in!"

"I know what you two are thinking, so no sneaking back in there." Max says seriously. I open my mouth to protest, but Ben speaks before I do "We won't." He says. I pout and cross my arms, nodding and letting go of Ben's hand in the process. Gwen and Max share a look and walk back the counter.

Ben looks at me and smirks, hitting on the watch. Ben turns into Ghostfreak and lifts me up "But Ghostfreak will~" He snickers, turning invisible. We fly past the guard-causing him to get chills. Ben places me down "This is so cool!" I say in awe, picking up the controller.

Ben flies beside me "The ultimate sneak peak for the ghost with the most freak." Ben says, I groan "Seriously, Benji, you can be so corny sometimes." I laugh tiredly.


"Player 2 wins! New high score!"

"Woo! New high score!" Ben cheers "Boo..." I whine before gasping. The guard grabs me and Ben "What do you have to say for yourselves?" He asks. I squeeze my eyes shut nervously "Uh...game over?" Ben response awkwardly.

We're so dead....

The guard tosses our suitcases on the sidewalk "-And never come back!" He shouts. Gwen and Max glare at us "I told you two not to sneak in there." Max says "Well, if you want to get all technical about it." Ben grumbles "I never even got a chance to take a shower-in a real shower, for the first time all summer! Plus, they had a spa! A SPA! Nice going doofuses." Gwen says "Ooh, a spa and a shower, wow-that's probably the most exciting thing that's happened this summer...forget everything else!" I say sarcastically. Gwen glares at me.

Ben grabs my hand and pulls me inside the Rust Bucket. I could hear Gwen and Max's footsteps following behind us, Ben sits at the booth and I put up our suitcases. "How do you expect me to trust you two if you keep misusing your powers?" Max asks "I didn't even use my powers." I grumble, teleporting next to Ben

"I've used it a hundred times for good! Why can't I use it just once for me?" Ben asks, glaring at the Omnitrix. "It's not how many times you use it, Ben. It's how you use it." Max sighs "It's no big deal." Ben sigh, looking out the window. "To you two," Max says, I glance at him "And that's all you two care about. So no more Sumo Slammer stuff for two weeks. No comics, no trading card, no art, no-" "FAIR!" Ben and I shout.

"Neither is getting booted from a 4 star hotel I already paid for." Max states "Can't you ask for your money back? Or take it out of our allowance or something?" I ask "You two don't get allowance." Gwen states with a tired look "Stay out of this!" Ben and Max shout. Both Gwen and I go quiet, sharing a look.

Two Halves, One Hero | Ben Tennyson x Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now