Part 02:- (College life)

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One Day

It was Nandini's birthday. Manik and Nandini were sitting in their tree house and watching sunset together, when Manik said,

Manik:- Nandini we are best friends, right?

Nandini:- yes of course. Why are you asking Manik?

Manik:- Then promise me that we will never go away from each other.

Nandini:- Promise. Manik it's too late, now we should go home.

Manik hold Nandini's hand and said,

Manik:- Wait a minute, I got something for you.

Then he pulled out a pendant which was in love shape and gave it to her.

Nandini:- What is this Manik?

Manik:- It's your birthday gift.

Nandini opened that pendant and saw there were two pictures. One picture was her and another was of Manik's.
Nandini was so happy to get such a beautiful gift from Manik. She hugged Manik in happiness and said,

Nandini:- Oh! Manik it's so beautiful. I loved it. Thank you so much.

Manik:- (excited) really? Then wear it na.

Nandini tried to wear it but couldn't hocked it up, seeing this Manik took that pendent from her and said,

Manik:- let me help you.

Manik made her wear that pendent and her happiness no knew bound.

Manik:- never remove this pendent from your neck, okey?

Nandini:- (smiled) okey.

That's how time passed away, but their friendship never changed. It grew stronger day by day.

10 years later
At Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata.

We can see few boys fighting, but why? Let's get into the flashback.

First day at college,

Few boy were sitting on stairs of Management Department. They were ragging the first year students, when two girls entered inside.

Boy:- Hey girls, come here.

They came to them just like some obedient student.

Boy:- what's your name?

Girl 1:- I am Nandini Murthy.

Girl 2:- and my name is Navya Navily.

Boy:- First year?

Nandini/Navya:- Yes.

Boy:- I am Sahil Deshmukh, your senior.

Nandini:- Hello sir.

Sahil:- (angrily) What hello ha? Don't you know how to respect your seniors?

Navya:- Sorry sir.

Sahil:- Now greet us properly.

Nandini and Navya looked at each other then said,

Nandini/Navya:- (bowing head) Good morning sir.

Sahil:- that's okay. So girls what's your hobbies?

Navya:- My hobby is watching movies.

Nandini:- I like dancing and singing.

Sahil:- Wow that's impressive. Now dance for us.

Nandini:- (nervously) Here?

Sahil:- Unfortunately we don't have stage for you so you have dance her only.

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