Part 06:- (Misunderstanding)

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Next day
At Nandini's house

Manik came to pick Nandini, but she was late as usual. Being irritated when Manik started pressing his car horn Nandini came out and started chanting sorry.

Nandini:- I am late, sorry.

Manik:- (angrily) this isn't the first time Ms. Nandini Murthy.

Nandini:- I said sorry Mr. Manik Malhotra.

Manik:- your sorry isn't acceptable. Come on you repeat this everyday.

Nandini:- okey I promise I don't do this again, happy?

Manik:- you better stick to your promise, otherwise I won't come to pick you again.

Nandini:- o hello I repeat this or not you will definitely come to pick me up.

Manik:- why so?

Nandini:- because you are my bodyguard. Now focus on the road otherwise car will face accident.

Manik:- (rolling eyes) whatever.

At College

Abhi:- Guys Aliya attempted suicide yesterday.

Manik:- (shocked) what???

Nandini:- See I told you. You shouldn't have said those things to her.

Manik:- is it my fault that I don't have any feelings for her?

Mukti:- Exactly Manik is innocent here.

Navya:- But now what?

Cabir:- Harshad will be mad at him.

Manik:- do you think I care?

Nandini:- at least go to hospital and meet her. She will feel better.

Manik:- I am not going anywhere.

Nandini:- this is so inhuman Manik. You should go and explain things more clearly.

Manik:- Nandini why are you forcing me? You know about my anger issue. I am sure I will mess up things more.

Cabir:- okey we all will go there, happy?

Abhi:- yeah, just don't mess up things more.

Navya:- I am scared guys. What if her family file a case against us?

Mukti:- shut up Navya. They won't do anything like that.

Manik:- (irritated) oh god where the hell I am stuck now.

At Hospital

Aliya was laying on the bed when she saw Manik coming. But as soon as Harshad saw Manik, he held his shirt's collar and started beating him.

Harshad:- your fucking bastard, because of you my sister is in hospital.

Aliya:- Bro leave him please.

When Harshad didn't leave him, Cabir and Abhi held him back and said,

Cabir:- He didn't do anything Harshad. It's your sister who is madly in love with him.

Abhi:- he just came here to talk to her and make things better.

Aliya immediately sat down on the bed and said,

Aliya:- I knew it Manik, I knew that you will come to see me. You have changed your mind right? You love me right?

Manik:- I haven't changed my mind Aliya. I don't love you either. I just came to see you, that's it.

Aliya:- But I love you so much Manik.

Manik:- look Aliya you have to understand this. As I said before you are just my friend, nothing else.

Aliya:- friends can be lovers too. Why are you rejecting me immediately?

Manik:- because......

Aliya:- because???

Manik:- because I love someone else.

Aliya:- (crying) who is she?

Manik:- Nandini, I love Nandini.

Nandini was there hearing them. But when Manik said that he loves her, she ran out of the room.

Nandini's pov:- finally he said that he loves me. Oh god I was waiting for this day only. I love him too. But I was scared about his reaction. I thought if I confess my feelings to him, he will get angry. What if he never loved me? I was scared to lose our friendship. But today I got to know that he loves me too. Oh god I am so so so happy today. I will also confess my feelings to him. Just can't wait for it.

On the other hand Manik saw Nandini going out of the room and thought,

Manik's pov:- Oh God what have I done. What if she doesn't have any feelings for me? Did I hurt her? What if she breaks our friendship? No no that can't happen. I can't lose her, I can't.

Manik and all together somehow convinced Aliya that he loves Nandini and can't love her. If she wants they can be friends forever and Aliya finally agreed. Then Manik came out of the room and found Nandini sitting on a chair. He immediately sat on his knees in front of her and said,

Manik:- (pleaded) I am so sorry Nandini. I didn't mean to hurt you but I didn't have any other options to convince Aliya. Please forgive me, don't break our friendship please.

Nandini:- (shocked) you don't love me right?

Manik:- No. I just fooled Aliya, otherwise she will again try to commit suicide and everybody will blame me for that. Please Nandini try to understand. I didn't have any other options to avoid her.

Nandini:- (fake smiled) that's fine.

Manik:- you mean we are fine right? You aren't mad at me?

Nandini:- No. Why should I be mad at you? You just did what you felt right and that's completely fine by me.

Manik:- Thank God. I thought I have hurt you and you will break our friendship. Anyways you deserve a treat for that. Let's go to your favorite restaurant, what's say?

Nandini:- Manik actually I am having a bad headache. I want to go home now.

Manik:- (panicked) is it that serious? if you want we can visit a doctor here?

Nandini:- No no. Just a simple headache. Don't worry if I will take rest I will be fine soon. Just drop me at home.

Manik:- okey let's go.

That's how a beautiful confession turned into a big mess. Poor Manik misunderstood Nandini's feelings and Nandini also lost her happiness in this huge mess. Will they ever understand their feelings for each other? Let's see in the next part.

Who thought "Savla" will turn out to be a villain? I thought it's "Yakub"and he is going against Nawab just to take his place as he is Husin Bhai's son. Feeling sad for "Jagan". He was a true friend of Nawab. But I am happy that "Mushtak" was there for Nawab always. Over all awesome web series. I loved it so much...😍😍😍
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