it was a mistake - nine

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Justin's POV;

Veronica, my mom and I pulled up to the entrance of the airport. I ran the vacation by my mom and she said yeah, and that I just had to get a ticket. Veronica said a quick good bye to my mom and kissed her cheek. I love that my mom adored Veronica.

"Ronnie, don't forget your makeup bag in the back seat." My mom called out as Veronica hopped out the car. I even love that cute little nickname she came up with for her.

"Thank you Mom." Veronica said. I glanced at my mom whose smile grew big across her face.

I grabbed my and Veronica's suitcase and walked to the driver's door. "Take care of my Rover mom." I kissed her cheek and walked around wrapping my hand in Veronica's. We walked in and avoided paparazzi as much as we could. We went through security and signed a few autographs and took a few pictures with fans. We met Jessica at the gate and Veronica ran over and gave her a hug.

"Jess, dude this is going to be awesome." Veronica squealed.

"Of course it is we're with each other." Jessica looked at me, "So you're joining us Mr. Bieber?"

"Yeah, helping this little cutie tan didn't bother me at all." I laughed.

"Now boarding all passengers on plane 286 round trip to the Bahamas." The flight attendant called into the intercom. We boarded the plane and Veronica sat in the middle of Jessica and me.

Veronica's phone chimed, "The boys are boarding their plane too." And a smile ran across her face.

"Goody." I whispered...this was going to be a long trip.


We finally landed hours later and I shook Veronica telling her to wake up. Jessica was basically jumping out her seat. When we got to the gate I looked across and saw Ryan, Chaz and Christian. Damn, their pilot must have speeded to their destination. Wait; does air police even exist? Who knew? My eyes caught Ryan' least that was what I thought until I felt Veronica push past me and run towards Ryan. Wow, that was cool.

Veronica's POV;

I don't know why but a sudden burst of energy came through me when I saw Ryan. I raced across the airport and into Ryan's arms. "I'm so happy to see you."

"Me, too." He whispered, laughing. He had dropped everything when he saw me racing towards him. It was something that looked like it would be in a Nicholas Sparks novel. I think it was...Dear John possibly? I didn't care about the staring faces right now, or how Justin's expression would be when I pulled out of Ryan's arms. Yes, I totally still had feelings for Ryan, no doubt and yes, I'm still with Justin. I just...maybe want to push Ryan away a little bit and maybe everything would be okay. Lies, pure and false lies.

I pulled away, "How have you been?"

"Crazy." He nodded towards Justin, "I heard what happened on Ellen. Is that the end of us?"

I winced, "I'm sorry Ryan."

He hugged me again, "I'm still going to be here no matter what. I wouldn't leave you even though you are dating him."

"I love you." I whispered.

"Yo bro, enough with that; Justin's coming over." Chaz said.

Ryan tensed a little bit as he let go of me. Justin came over and held out his hand; Ryan grabbed it and pulled him into a manly hug. "Wassup bro?

"Ready to hit the beach, so if this little loves fest is over?"

"Yeah, I want to put all this crap away and get some rays." Jessica whined.

It Was A Mistake - A Justin Bieber Story [UNDER RE-WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now