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Judson Ogden had one big secret: if Remus Lupin ever talked to him during a very important test, he'd risk earning an Outstanding in his O.W.L.s to lend him a hand. If Remus Lupin were to tell him that he'd have to flee the country because goblins were rumored to invade London and that he'd have to become a Muggle Professor to hide his identity, Judson would pack his bags and ask his father for money to retreat to America for an undetermined period of time (and talking to his father willingly was not something Judson did on a daily basis). If Remus Lupin approached him and said, "Hey, Jud, let's skip class and go swim in the lake!", he'd put a Water Repelling Spell on his glasses before joining the Giant Squid in the Black Lake, in mid November, in his swimwear. He'd do it all, no questions asked.

Remus Lupin also had his secrets: if Sirius Black requested him to entertain Professor McGonagall long enough so he could sneak into her office, he'd do it without whining, as he had done several times before. If Sirius Black asked for a volunteer to practice with for the Quidditch tryouts, he'd hop on a broom and let Sirius throw bludgers at him nonstop, even if flying was not his strongest suit. Remus would even date girls if Sirius Black became insistent on the topic. Anything to keep him happy. Oh, and there was one more thing: he was a werewolf.

But then, Sirius Black fucked up. Big time.

Luckily for Remus, the Marauders were not his only friends. With a group of Ravenclaws is where he found himself spending his afternoons, and even if they weren't Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, they made his days more bearable.

Judson didn't know why Remus started to hang out with them, but he certainly wasn't complaining. Every day spent around him convinced him more of his feelings for the boy, yet the odds of them being mutual were close to non-existent—as Judson was reminded of more times than he would like to admit.

Yet he had a hunch. A hunch that got them meeting in secret, under one condition: no feelings involved.

For Judson, it was already too late, but Remus saw the one opportunity he needed to get his mind rid of a certain long haired boy with an atrociously beautiful smile and an ego bigger than Hogwarts itself.

Remus wanted to forget about Sirius. Judson wanted to kiss Remus. A problem, and a solution—one that worked like a charm.

CONTENT WARNING: bullying, homophobic slur, verbal abuse.


Wild Amenity was created as a spin-off of our main story, Orphic. This does not mean you have to read Orphic to understand Wild Amenity, though. We will make sure that both stories can be read on their own. Some changes were made from the original scenes in Orphic, but their story is practically the same.

 Judson and Remus are a significant part of Juniper's story, so they will interact and have their moments in Orphic, but if you don't want to read it, it's completely alright! You won't miss anything important for this plot (if you come from Orphic, you will realise that some parts in here will be the same but from Judson's point of view. If you don't want to read Orphic but would like to know what Remus was thinking during certain events, we'll gladly let you know where you can read it in the other book).

If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! We hope you enjoy this little story as much as we do.


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