Do I Even Want It Now?

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I couldn't even blink.

"You must have sensitive hearing, right? Being a spider and all." Gang Orca walked up to me laying uselessly next to Bakugo. "On the contrary, Bakugo has thicker eardrums, considering his loud quirk. The paralyzation won't work for long on him."

My eyeballs felt like they were being felted by a million tiny needles. A few meters in front of me, I spotted Todoroki, also unmoving.

"What should I do now, Mizugumo and Bakugo? Hm? Do I paralyze you more? Or do I go after the evacuation team?"

For a hero, Gang Orca sure was getting into the villain roleplay.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Oh? You can move your fingers now? Still not enough to create an explosion, though." Petting Bakugo's head patronizingly, Gang Orca stepped over his inanimate body and headed towards the other students.


I recognized Todoroki's voice amidst the ringing in my ears. Forcing my eyelids to lower, I struggled for a whole minute before I was able to blink. It hurt like hell.

Squinting at my classmate, I saw the left side of his face aflame.

"Cover your exposed skin!"

I was still unable to speak, but I think my eyes conveyed my incredulity well enough.

"Bakugo, run!" Todoroki called.

"Heh?! Why am I taking orders from you?"

Todoroki ignored the blonde. I guess he saw how my exposed fingers were slowly getting coated in dragline, as I felt the air grow hotter.

"Take a deep breath, Mizugumo."

I did as told, no questions asked.

After encasing my head in thick ice, Todoroki engulfed Gang Orca and the path to Gang Orca in flames.

Bakugo was forced to comply and he clumsily blasted away from the licking flames.

The warmth was welcomed at first, as my head felt like it was buried in the North Pole. But as Todoroki continued his assault without any indication of stopping, I started panicking.

It was my nightmares all over again.

The breathing difficulties came first, almost always immediately followed by faint vestiges of the smells. Violent images would then flash behind my eyelids like a projection, the order all jumbled up and the colors needlessly vibrant. In a few seconds, my body would seize up and refuse to move, putting me in a freeze response.

Vulnerable and helpless, the hallucinations would then creep up on me. I would feel as if every inch of my skin was on fire, as if I was drowning in tepid blood and gore, as if deathly cold hands were groping my ankles, all at once.

And, right before I woke up to a pitch-black dorm room, Dad would scream my first name in torment, begging for my help.

But I could never reach him. Either the blood flooded him away, or the flames already devoured him.


Yes, just like that. That's what he sounds like. I'll be waking up soon.


. . . But he never yells it a second time. Am I dreaming?

I couldn't differentiate between dreams and reality anymore. They ebbed and flowed together, interlocking and murking the boundaries so much that I was having trouble separating my waking times and dreaming times.

Weakling (Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now