That's Really Fucking Messed Up

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First round of the Provisional Licensing Exam.

"I'll take it from here. But I might just end up finishing before you all."

I didn't bother remembering any of the faces from the other schools. I just took the scene in as Ketsubutsu students ganged up on us, with a particularly plain one sporting long black hair chucking the balls under the earth.

Bad match-up on his part.

I lazily identified each vibration and reported them to the class. "All four of them are scattered and snaking underground. Jiro, it'd be better if you just blew them away."

"Got it. Everybody get back!" Rushing to the front, Jiro stuck her ear jacks into the devices strapped on her hands. "Sound Amplifier . . . Amplifier Jack . . . Heartbeat Distortion!"

Sending the soundwaves of her heartbeat thundering under the ground, Jiro dug up the rocky earth in front of us in pulses, sending Ketsubutsu students dodging left and right. 

Panic followed as we took advantage of their distracted state, lobbing balls in their direction as they stubbornly prevailed.

"Mizugumo, was it?"

I snapped my head up to locate the source of the taunting voice, hands gripping two of the orange balls given to us for the first round of the provisional licensing exam. 

"The girl who was originally in the general studies course . . . but got in through performing well at the sports festival."

My eyes narrowed on a boy with black hair and green gear that exposed the better half of his upper body.

"You had pretty good grip on your quirk, based on what I saw on television. Why were you in the general studies course in the first place?"

My eyes twitched as he inched forward, past his classmates. "What's it to you?"

The boy shrugged in a carefree way. "Purely curious. You did make quite a ruckus on the news. But of course, this isn't the Class 1-A from the festival, is it? You've all grown."

I frowned as I noticed him widening his stance, planting his feet firmly into the ground. 

"What are-"

"Break! Maximum force . . . Tremoring Earth!" The boy slapped his hands to the ground, and I could barely register the first tremors emanating from his palms before I was thrown off my footing.

The whole terrain area we were on was dug up at a much bigger caliber than Jiro's attack. Humongous boulders took to the air all around us, and we were flung around like ragdolls amongst them.

Dirt and debris swirled around us, and we might as well have been flung into a wild tornado. Dust obscured my vision and the thunderous vibrations reverberating around the arena drowned out the panicked yells of my classmates.

What the hell is this power?

Gritting my teeth against the violent tremors that pulsed relentlessly through my body, I secreted adhesive silk and attached myself to a flat boulder. "Mina! Jiro! Grab on!" It was a miracle that I was still able to spot them amidst the chaos. Directing my silk at them, I yanked them to my boulder, straining my shoulders as they flailed about in the air.

"Mizugumo! The boulder-"

I didn't catch the rest of Jiro's sentence as the boulder underneath me cracked apart, sending smaller chunks of rock catapulting everywhere. I severed my silk to free my friends, letting myself get blown away from them.

As soon as the attack began, it ended. 

I closed my eyes as soon as I opened them. I was laying on jagged pieces of debris, each one of them poking uncomfortably into my back. The blinding sun bore down on me, and I twisted to my side with great effort. Pushing myself up on all fours, I almost fell face-first onto a sharp piece of rock as my arms gave up.

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