What A Fvdjking Dumbass

352 15 14

The next day, after dinner.

"Well then, time for the test of courage!" Pixie-Bob shouted overzealously, explaining the process of the haunted course. We were to walk in a circle and gather our names on slips at the midpoint in pairs, with Class B being the "scarers" first.

"I guess this was an inevitable training camp event," I sighed.

"What, are you scared of scary things? Haunted houses? This is a lot like one." Sero teased.

"Please. Only adrenaline junkies like twisted things like haunted houses."

"So you are scared! Kirishima! I thought of a way to get back at Mizugumo! Huh? Where's Kirishima?"

"Sero! You have to go to extra lessons!" Uraraka called out.

Laughing at Sero, I walked up to grab a name slip to see who my partner was going to be.

"1 . . . that's Ba- MINA! SWITCH WITH ME!" Yelling, I looked around the clearing. Mina was nowhere to be seen.

"She's in extra lessons with the others. Who did you get, anyway?"

"Bakugo. Jiro, can you-"

"No way." Refusing me dead-on, Jiro backed away. "I would not want to be with Bakugo."

"Oi! Half-and-Half! Switch with me!"

"Sorry, no. I'm with Midoriya."

"Damn you!" Bakugo glared over at me. "Tch. You again."

"You think I want to?" Staring at the number, I realized we were the first group to go. Gulping, I wiped clammy hands on my blazer.

"Alright! Class B is stationed at their spots, Team 1! Ready, go!"

Walking a little ways behind Bakugo, I refrained from showing my nervousness and stuffed my hands in my pockets to keep from fidgeting with them.

Nearing a clearing, I slowed as I felt the vibrations of other people nearby.

"I feel other people," I said, completely stopping.

"So? Are you scared, Scarface? Hurry up and walk, coward."

"As if." Scoffing, I feigned nonchalant-ness and walked in front of Bakugo. "See? There's nothing-"

A head popped up from below the ground in front of me.

"Jesus mother- Son of a bitch!" Yelping in shock, I jumped nearly a foot off the ground and stumbled back, crashing into Bakugo.

Obnoxious laughter sounded as Bakugo clutched his stomach, bending over from how hard he was laughing.

"Shut up." Steeling myself in an attempt to regain an ounce of dignity, I walked forward. There was no way I was going to be scared of anything else now. I literally let Bakugo know I was afraid of scary things.

Hell, who is he kidding? Anybody would be scared of a freaking head popping up from under the ground, for fuck's sake!

As I walked deeper into the woods, I became aware of the complete lack of vibrations from around me.

"Uh . . ."


Gritting my teeth, I ground out a single word. "Bakugo?"

I hate myself.

"This isn't funny. Where the hell are you?"

Laughter erupted as he jumped down from a branch in a tree in front of me.

Weakling (Bakugo x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu