Tears With a Side of Unadon

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My feet faltered at the edge of the metro gates. The laminated plastic of my metro pass slipped between my stiff and clammy fingers, and I had to consciously grip harder until my hand trembled to prevent it from dropping.

"Hey, what's with the holdup? Hurry it up!"

"Who the hell is blocking the way? I'm late for work!"

Someone nudged me in the back, tipping my balance and making me stumble farther into the gates. The growing line behind me was filled with impatient grumblings as adults pushed and shoved at the person in front of them like it made a difference.

"Sorry about that, but if you're not going to exit here, you better step aside." A gentle voice from behind suggested.

I twisted my head around in jerky movements. A boy around my age smiled warmly at me. His blonde hair was gelled up in a spike, with the lower half gelled back. His royal blue eyes seemed to stare at me and through me at the same time. Add his broad shoulders and tall build, and he made an intimidating person to be around.

That is, if he didn't have the most reassuring smile I've ever seen on his face. That smile seemed to say that there was nothing in the world that couldn't be solved with a simple laugh and a hearty clap on the back.

"Oh? You go to U.A., too?"

My gaze flicked down, and I saw his U.A. uniform that matched mine.

He must be an upperclassman, then.

"Why aren't you moving, then? You'll be late for school. Wait, shouldn't you be in the dorms?"

The boy blinked down at me, and I wasn't sure if he was actually expecting an answer. Out of the peripherals of my vision, I glimpsed a metro security guard walking towards us from the left to investigate the peculiar traffic jam.

"Um- Sorry, I think I forgot something at home-" Ducking around him, I went the opposite direction of the security guard. It just so happened that the bathroom was also in this direction, so I made a beeline inside.

Picking a stall at random, I slammed the door shut and twisted the lock with a click. Not caring whether the toilet lid was clean or not, I sat down on it, my right leg bouncing up and down in anxiety.

I picked at the skin around my thumbs—which is not something I do often, considering the hardness of my nails—until they peeled and bled. With nothing better to do, I sucked on the dark crimson liquid pooling around my cuticle.

The bleeding stopped. I started picking again. It bled again. I sucked on the blood again.

This went on for what seemed like hours until I felt like the flesh on my thumbs was about to crumble off like puff pastry from my picking.

I fished around my bookbag for my phone, wincing when the edges of my textbooks scraped the raw flesh around my thumbs. Successfully pulling out my phone, I checked the time as I idly sucked on the blood beading near my thumbnails.

8:30. I'm barely late for school.

I sighed and slouched even worse on the toilet seat. My phone had no Wi-Fi. All I could do was pick on my nails and read the public service announcement posters plastered on the doors and walls of the stall until I felt like I could recite them.

One told me not to flush large wads of toilet paper for fear of clogging the old plumbing system, another told me how to discard sanitary products (the plastic wrapping goes back around the used pad), and one reminded me to keep an eye on all my personal belongings.

I checked my phone again after counting the number of tiles in my bathroom stall. I only got to 347 and one-thirds.

8:55. First period only just started.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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