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Megan's POV

Alright, I'm not finna play with them. Where this lil girl at? She told me get dressed and wait for them to pull up. She is late. How the hell you going to tell me to get dressed and be ready, then be late.

Anyways, she finally pulled up.

"What took you so long? How are you going to tell me to be ready at a certain time and be late. Lord, I just don't understand, why do you put slow people in my path?" I have my head to the sky.

"Girl, I know you ain't talking. You is the one that always making us late to dinner parties, dinner dates, any outings that involve getting ready at a certain time. I just don't understand that." She shot back.

I shoot a look that black women have perfected over the course of time, when being told about they self but didn't like the answer.

"Sorry I'm late baby, I got stuck a work." She fix herself real quick.

"Aw Okay,"


"We going on a movie date? You don't like going to movie theater tho." I asked confused.

"Well, I like it now, so let's go," She got out the car.

"Cut the bullshit," I told them once she opened my door.

"Baby, would you just come on." She stuck their hand out.

We get in, I see a couple of people. So I guess she didn't rent it out. She say the name of a movie that I have never heard of. I was gone argue with them, but it was their turn to pick the movie. We got some snack and shit. I try to go up to sit in the back cause that the best spot.

"Naw let's sit in the front," Baelani stopped me.


"Because, I want leg room. My leg been hurting lately," She explained.

I shrugged my shoulders and sat down for the previews. In the previews, I seen like 5 movies that I want to watch that I know I'm not going to remember until the actual time they come out.

"Bae, what are we watching?"

"We watching an animated movie," She plainly told me. Damn no detail, no contexts, not even some surface level information.

Ole dry ass

The movie will be starting soon. Please silence all cell phones and keep the talking to a minimum. If caught doing any of that, you will be asked to remove yourself from the theater. Enjoy the movie.

People still don't listen, so why keep saying it.

Movie started, and why does the first character kinda look like me. Maybe I'm seeing things.

"Baby, is it just me, or do that character kinda look like me." I whispered in Kehlani ear.

"I don't see it," She whispered back.

I know I'm not tripping. It look like my whole childhood, summarized in 20 minutes. Alright, the next character look just like Keh, I know I'm not tripping now.

"So you made a movie for us," I smiled and whispered in her ear.

She looked at me, reciprocating the smile and nod.

The movie was actually good highkey. It showed how far we came together and grew individually. It even had little Adeya in it as well. I wonder how long she been thinking about this.

We finally finished the movie. It ended with Kehlani and I going on our first date. I don't care for the credits so I start to stand. Kehlani stopped me.

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