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Imma be honest with y'all, this is filler because it has a whole lotta nothing in it.

Megan's POV

I wake up early have a lot to do today. Valentine's Day is tomorrow and I want to do something special for Keh. Our one month anniversary was a few days ago and we didn't do anything because it's honestly going on this month.

I check my clock on the nightstand, it's 6:30, this girl is old fashion sometimes. Why do you have a clock on the nightstand if your phone is sitting next to the clock? She is mostly to check their phone before anything. But anyways.

I kiss them on the forehead and remove myself from her body. I do my morning routine and get Adeya ready because she goes everywhere with me. That's my whole bestie, you mess with her you mess with me, that includes Baelani.

"Adeya can you please go wake up your mommy and tell them that we are leaving soon." I asked Adeya because I have to finish putting on my makeup and she was sitting next to me playing with a brush.

"Yes Mama," she said climbing down. "Thank you baby," I watched her through the mirror.

2 minutes later

"Ahhhh mommy stop ya breath stink," I heard Adeya yell, I busted out laughing because I know I'm the one that taught her that, it wasn't on purpose though.

"No it don't, that's your breath," Kehlani said back. I walked into the room to see Kehlani giving Adeya kisses.

"Can you please stop attacking my child, we have to leave." I asked standing next to the bedroom door.

"Are you mad at me or something," she looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"No baby I'm not mad at you, but I'm on a schedule and I want everything done today." I explained.

"Okay, I'll let you go, but come give me a kiss and come get your 'before you get on the road' speech." She got off the bed with Adeya in their arms, I rolled my eyes.

I kissed her and she said her speech, that she say everyday. She walked us to the car and we were off.


Kehlani's POV

I have work today, so I'm at the studio til 8. I'm working with Nao, she is a very talented artist, I love her work. Most people in the U.S. don't know about her because she is a U.K. artist.

"Hey Kehlani," Nao said walking into the room.

"Hey Nao, how are you?" I said pulling her into a hug.

"I'm good, how are you?" She said as we hugged.

"I'm well, you ready to work," I said taking a seat, she nods and we get into.

After playing some beat and her writing some lyrics down. I'm playing with the audio of certain parts of the beat, and I feel someone drilling a hole in the side of my head. I turn my head towards her and she looks down.

'Alrighty then'

I go back to work and I feel her staring at me again. Now I'm starting to get annoyed, please speak your mind.

"Is there a problem with something?" I asked her without looking at her.

"N-no it's just your really beautiful," She stuttered and I looked down bashfully.

"Thank you, you are too," I returned the compliment, going back to what I was doing.

She didn't say anything after that, so we just continued doing what we were doing. Although throughout the rest of the session, she was looking at me and doing flirty stuff like that, but I didn't pay it no mind. A few hours later, it time for me to go home.

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