In the past (Part 2)

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Hours passed since we took shelter under the tree in Windrise. I was leaning against the tree with Aether in my arms. He looks so peaceful. I gently stroke a hair strain out of his face. He slowly woke up and looked at me. "Look who finally decided to wake up" I said teasingly and he just chuckled. It's rare to hear him laugh, so it actually made my day brighter, even tho we're in the middle of destroyed Teyvat. Aether, or should I say Pax Stellas, got up and switched his element to hydro.

I always found it fascinating how he did that. "Hey Barbatos, could you help me out?" "How can I help?" "Could you use your anemo element to spread the water so we can put the fire out, please?" he asked and I was once amazed again by his smart mind. Hours passed again and we finally managed to get rid of the fire from my region. Aether brought my people back.

They were all shocked how destroyed everything looked like. We walked to the people and promised them that everything is alright. We started to build a city. A city of freedom, but what we didn't know was that the people made a statue 200 years later. But it was only a statue of myself. What about Pax Stellas? He did the half of my work. I thought and when I turned around and expected to see Aether, but he wasn't there.

I remembered my nightmare again. I started to panic. Everything got blurry and I woke up in a house with Aether next to me. Not Aether as Pax Stellas, but as the traveler

I'm sorry that this chapter is this short. I hope you don't mind.

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