Chapter 8

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tw: suicide :o

Kyoko's POV

I tried following Hina's advice, but when I wanted to do something I liked, I forgot what I ever liked to do. I put on comfy clothes and got in bed with a mystery novel and decided to start it. I usually love reading, but I had to keep rereading paragraphs for I had a clouded mind.

After a couple of weeks, I was starting to wonder what Celeste was thinking. Were we still dating? We still haven't talked since our fight, so I don't even know what he considers us. I was on my way to get a cup of tea, by myself like normal, when Makoto ran up to me.

"Kyoko!" He shouted, running up to me.

"What's the problem Makoto?" Someone probably just needed my detective help to find a pencil or something.

"Something happened to Celeste," he said, panting.

"What?" I asked, surprised. No one had mentioned her to me in a while. "Is she ok?"

"No," Makoto replied, recovered from his short sprint. "She's in the hospital wing."

Hospital wing? What? Did someone try to murder her or something? She'd better be ok.

I sped after Makoto, following him to the place Celeste was being held. Most of our class was standing outside, looking worried. When I arrived, some looked relieved, some grim.

"What happened?" I asked the small crowd of people.

"I went to bring Celeste a donut," Hina started, tears in her eyes, "and I found her in her bathroom. She was on the ground i-in a pool of b-blood." Hina started crying, and Sakura gave her a hug.

My face went paler than it already was. "Did someone do this to her?" I asked, almost shouting.

"Kyoko," Taka said, "We think she did it to herself."

My heart felt heavy and I felt a lump in my throat. Tears welled up in my eyes. But I couldn't cry. Not here.

"Is she alright?" I asked for the second time.

"Barely," Hiro said.

"I have to see her."

"She m-might not be a-awake," Toko warned.

I pushed open the door anyway, shutting it behind me.

I went up to the hospital bed and saw Celeste laying there. Her skin was as white as a sheet, and her arms were all bandaged up. She had no makeup or special hair done, and honestly, she looked plain.

"Celeste?" No reply. Her eyes were closed, so I guess she was sleeping. I pulled up a chair and sat in it. I took Celeste's hand in mine.

"Celestia, I'm so sorry." I knew this had to be my fault. She didn't have any other troubles, at least that I'm aware of. I started crying, laying my head on Celeste's chest. I felt my hand being squeezed, and I looked up. Celeste was looking at me sadly.

"Kyoko," she muttered. I squeezed her hand back and said, "Yes?"

"I'm sorry too." I smiled weakly and kissed her forehead before laying my head back down.


After a couple of days, Mikan finally said Celeste could start attending classes again, but she'd have to get a check-up every few days. I had been visiting her since the first day, and a lot of times I just sat there and held her hand while she slept.

I was walking Celeste back to her room for the first time since that night. We hadn't really had an actual conversation yet.

"Kyoko," Celeste said.

"What?" I responded, quickly getting worried.

"Nothing, I just missed your name." Celeste hadn't been using her accent recently. She seemed tired.

We arrived in her room. Celeste immediately went to her bed and laid down, motioning for me to join her. I set down her bag quickly and laid down next to her. She didn't really move but took my hand.

"Kyoko, I want to tell you the truth about me."

Aha. I knew she was hiding something. I was a detective after all. I just didn't know what. She was my mystery.

"Well, I'm here to listen."

I wrapped my arms around her and stroked her hair as she started spilling her guts.

"My real name isn't Celestia Ludenberg," Celeste sighed, "It's Taeko Yasuhiro. When I was younger, I was always the second-choice child. My sister was more successful at a young age and my parents favored her for it. Eventually, I realized I had a knack for patterns and luck in the gambling business, and I didn't really care what my family thought anymore. I separated myself from them and gave myself a new name. I just wanted to be seen for me, not for the stupid Yasuhiro family. I came to this school to be Celeste, not Taeko. But when I met you, all of my other thoughts went away and Taeko came out. I was used to punishing her, but when she made you mad, I guess she was punished a- heh, a bit too much."

I just sat there for a second, stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you," I said. "I'm just not used to people actually caring about me so I got defensive or something. I hope you can forgive me, I miss you."

"Of course I forgive you!" Celeste basically shouted. "That's what that whole speech I gave you was about. I just missed you too."

I smiled sadly and looked into Celeste's eyes for the first time in a while, and tears welled up in my eyes.

"I love you, Celestia."

"I love you too, Kyoko."

sorry that i go through story ideas so fast i'm really bad at making things long😓

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